Lines of life on hands and their meaning

The line of life in palmistry is considered the most important. It begins slightly below the base of the index and ends at the base of the thumb, making a semicircle in the palm of your hand. It is impossible to determine the duration of life on it, but it will be able to tell a lot of interesting information.

Lines of life on hands and their meaning

Ideally, this strip on both palms should be clear, of the same color, long and without any defects. In this case, it can be argued that a person has high physical stamina, a good supply of vital energy and great potential.

Other life line options:

  1. If the line of mind and destiny comes out of one point, then the person is very generous. Others can count on his help at any time.
  2. In the event that near the wrist the life line has many small branches, then its possessor may not worry about finances, since he will never have material problems. Still such people are beautiful and proud, that leads to occurrence of numerous enemies.
  3. A line break on the right hand is a warning of danger. Most likely, a serious illness awaits a person, which can lead to death. The disease can be provoked by negative phenomena in life. If the line is clear after the break, then you should not worry and all difficulties will be overcome.
  4. A small line that extends away from the beginning of the line indicates the experiences of amorous disappointments or the loss of a loved one.
  5. The double line of life on the hand is interpreted as another life. With such people it is not necessary to conduct common affairs, build families and have a close relationship . If the line is bifurcated, it is a symbol of duplicity.
  6. The interwoven line of life, the so-called chain, means that its owners quickly enter into trust. Such people easily find friends and are very popular.
  7. A short line of life on the right hand symbolizes a short life. If the line is small on one hand, but not on the other, then this is a signal of a serious illness.
  8. If the line of life is connected with the line of destiny, then its owner will be happy. He expects success in work and on the love front.
  9. On the line of life there may be signs, for example, a triangle that points to the big finger, indicates a possible big win or an inheritance. If there is a square - this is a sign of protection, and therefore, do not be afraid of disease.

Knowing the proposed interpretations, each person has the opportunity to explain the meaning of the line of life on his hand.