Line of Wealth on the Hand

You do not always need to contact palmists to know your destiny, for this it's enough to know the meaning of the main lines. Following the lines of life, love, mind, everyone should know where the line of wealth is on his hand.

Fortune-telling is the line of wealth

On the right hand a large number of lines and each has its own significance, but among them one can not clearly distinguish the line responsible for the financial situation of a person. As a rule, these are only certain signs that make up a map of a person's wealth. Good success in financial matters is achieved by the person whose destiny line and life line come from the same point. Also a good financial position promises a line of the mind, which has several branches that are located towards the little finger.

Financial stability and success are said by the branches all from the same line of mind, but already to the index finger. This can be a branch of one line or several small ones. All these listed signs of this type of fortune telling are most often found in people.

But there is one more sign, called the "triangle of wealth", which can be seen on the palms of rich people. These people include Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

In the center of the palm, in the place where the two lines intersect (line of destiny and head) there must be another feature that forms the third side of the "triangle". It is under these two lines, leading to the creation of a triangle with closed edges. Also, there is one or more lines on the wrist confirming all this. It is worth remembering that all these signs on the palm should not always be clearly expressed, but only have a dotted font.

As you can see, palmistry is not at all a difficult science, and this means that it can be used by anyone in its interpretation.