Palmistry - the line of children

Today, people have learned to determine their own future by the lines on their hands. If you correctly decipher the signs, you can find out the time of marriage, possible changes in life and much more. Separate in palmistry is studied the line of children, which makes it possible to know the gender of the future baby and the approximate time of pregnancy. If you take into account other signs on the palm of your hand, you can learn a lot of interesting information.

Line of children in palmistry

To find out how many kids you will need on your right hand to find line number 1, as shown in the figure. How many lines you see, you will have so many children. Also worth a look at the length of the stripes: short, indicates that you will have a girl, and the long one is responsible for the boy.

Look at the line of marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury, it is from it that the lines of children leave. Thanks to this you will be able to determine what kind of relationship the children will be from. If you are right-handed, then on the left hand will be reflected the lines that are responsible for the possible number, and on the right - the real one. Also, partners may have different lines, for example, a woman has 3, and a man has only 2. This situation indicates that they will have 2 children in the marriage, and another may not be born or be from another man.

It should be borne in mind that in palmistry, the line of children on the arm can respond not only for birth, but also for abortions and miscarriages. In this case, attention should be paid to irregularities and other irregularities. In general, the number of lines - this is the chance to become pregnant, which you can use for the birth of a child or not. By the way, that you will have twins, there is a sign - the letter V.

The importance of the lines of children in palmistry

There are many schools that study signs on the palms, so there are other options for miscalculation.

โ„–1 - Classical. The line located on the hill of Mercury, how to determine the number of children on it, we considered above.

Line 2 - Vertical. Look at your little finger and find the vertical lines on the middle phalanx of the little finger and middle finger. By their number, you can determine how many children you will have. Oriental palmists use this technique.

Line number 3 - Ring family. Pay attention to the fold of the thumb, how many islets you see there, you will have so many children. By the way, the values โ€‹โ€‹of the left and right palms may be different. Use this technique palmistry of India.

Line number 4 - The Hill of Venus. Look at the vertical lines that are located slightly below the base of the thumb. The method allows you to accurately determine the number of possible children.

Line number 5 - Mars Hill. The number of horizontal bars will tell about your children. These lines are used by children in the palm of hand in Indian palmistry .

Line number 6 - Herringbone. Find the line of the heart, which is located just below the marriage line. To find out how many children you have, count the number of sprouts at the beginning of the line.

Line number 7 - The line of joy. Small strips that depart from the line of life upwards are a symbol of great joy, which can be the birth of a child.

Line number 8 - Line of influence. Strips that depart from the line of life, but only down, indicate the influence of the baby on your life.

It is worth considering that your attention deserves only the most pronounced lines, they can testify to future children.

Helpful information

To determine the order of appearance of children, you need to see which strip is closer to the edge. The distance between the lines indicates the periodicity of birth, for example, a small gap, indicating that the age difference will be small.