Divination by the lines of the hand

Your thoughts and destiny are displayed in the form of lines on your hands, hiding valuable information. Lines on the hands help to see the hidden abilities of a person, they can predict fate, upcoming events and warn about the dangers that can warn you in a certain period of time.

Look at your palms - there are a lot of lines on them, and each has its own meaning. In order to correctly consider the fate of the palms, it is necessary not only to understand the values ​​of the lines, but also to pay attention to the drawing of both hands in the aggregate. If you are trying to find out the future, the right hand is for the right-handers, and for the left-handers, the left hand, respectively. Let's try to understand the mysteries of palmistry, and consider the importance of lines in fortune telling.

Fortune-telling: the line of life

The life line passes in a semicircle, skirting the hill of Venus. This line can be continuous, or broken into several segments. The calculation of the duration of years begins at the top, in the place where the line of life is in contact with the head line.

It is believed that the ideal line of the hand is clear and deep, pink in color, necessarily continuous. The length of the life line is commensurable with the life expectancy of this person, it is important not to forget about it during fortune telling. The life line symbolizes the physical form of a person, his physique and vitality. Do not forget to take into account other lines, for example, lines of destiny, of the heart, when decoding the life line.

Fortune-telling: the line of children

With this line you can find out the number of future children. The line of children is between the root of the finger of Mercury and between the line of the heart. Here is the beginning of the marriage line, and here is the line of children.

If the line rises from the marriage line to the top, this will mean the birth of the child, but the line should be clear, clear and stand out from the rest of the lines on your hand. It is believed that if the line is short and thin, then a girl will be born, and if the line is long, then there will be a boy.

Fortune-telling: the line of fate

This line means the development of man. If your line of destiny is clearly expressed, it is long and clear, it means that fate leads you. There is an opinion that the line of destiny is most often absent in people. If a person does not have this line, then they will never become a professional in the chosen activity, and the existence of a line of destiny indicates that the person is ready for intensive development and self-improvement .

The line of fate is mostly short, the long is a rarity. In addition, this line is rarely continuous, most often there are tears or dots on it. This means a life change.

The beginning of the line of destiny indicates what the person's hobbies and activities are directed at, and its ending tells how he will achieve results.

The lines that we told you about today are not enough to know the future and destiny, for a more detailed idea of ​​this, we recommend that you study the science of palmistry in more detail.