Temperature in the freezer of the refrigerator

Progress has stepped forward, there is no more ice in the freezer of the refrigerator , but something remained unchanged - inside there must still be a stable "minus". Let's find out what the temperature inside the freezer should be, so that your products retain useful properties for a long period of time.


Is there any such thing as an optimum temperature in the freezer of a domestic refrigerator? First you need to know that the temperature indicators in the cameras of serviceable devices are always a multiple of six (ie -6, -18, -24, etc.). Most manufacturers tend to believe that the recommended temperature in the freezer should vary between 18-24 degrees with a negative mark. In this case, the minimum temperature in the freezer should not be higher than -6, otherwise its meaning is lost. After all, at higher indices, the storage conditions are practically no different from those that are created in the usual compartment of the unit. The lowest temperature in the freezer is -24. According to the producers, due to deep freezing at a temperature below -20, the maximum shelf life of your reserves considerably increases. This idea is not meaningless if you buy more than ten or fifteen kilograms of meat and gradually spend it. If the products in the freezer are small, it does not matter how many degrees there are, -24 or more, because the products in any case freeze completely.

Interesting Facts

Did you know that, despite the indicators reflected on the display of the unit, the products periodically heat up almost twice. When the compressor is turned on, the temperature really drops to the declared -18, and after it is turned off again it rises to -9, while giving the cold to the camera.

There is no such thing as the optimum temperature in the freezer, because the storage conditions of the products in the frozen form radically different.

Do you know the purpose of the "quick freeze" regime and how to use it correctly? This function is designed not only to quickly freeze new products that you put into a container, but also to ensure that those stored there do not melt. This option must be enabled a few hours before the replenishment of stocks, otherwise it should not be used at all.

As you can see, for each group of products you need your own temperature, but deep freezing (below-20) is a regime that prolongs the shelf life of edible stocks.