Electric spinning wheel

In Russia it has long been believed that every girl, along with other useful skills, should spin well. Today this skill is almost forgotten, but some needlewomen are still practicing this occupation. Spinning is, in fact, the manufacture of yarn (thread for knitting) from natural materials: wool, cotton or flax. Spinning is often practiced in families where there are long-haired pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, chinchillas). It's so nice to please your loved ones with socks , sweaters or scarves made with your own hands ! In addition, spinning at home can be a good source of income: in this age of hobby eco-goods such threads can be profitable to sell, setting up their own business.

In addition to consumables, for spinning you will need a special tool - spinning wheel. Previously, people used a spindle, and then a spinning wheel, which was replaced by a modern electric spinning wheel. Let's talk about how the electric spinner works and how to correctly spin the wool on it: this will help you to choose the device you need.

Principle of operation of electric spools

Spinning wheel is a small electrical appliance, its size is a little more than a folded book, and the weight does not exceed two kilograms. Modern electric spinning wheels are made of metal or plastic, less often - from wood. The device is very simple in both use and repair; by and large, if you want to make a homemade spinning wheel can any house craftsman.

The mechanism of the electric spinning wheel is very simple. The electric drive drives the machine, and it begins to twist the yarn tucked into it into a tight thread, stretching it through the reel. In many spinning wheels there is a foot electric drive. It greatly facilitates spinning on an electric-electric, releasing both hands to work with the thread.

Also a very convenient feature is the ability to switch the direction of rotation. This is achieved by pressing a special button, and as a result of such a reverse winding you can twist several threads into one, thicker. In this way, it is possible to produce yarn of different thicknesses. For this process, which is called the filing of threads, special coils are used, which come complete with an electric spike. However, this function is not provided for each model.

In addition, significant differences between models are their performance, power consumption and noise level. Pay attention to these indicators, given what is more important to you. And do not forget that any electric welder can overheat, so you should do regular breaks (approximately 20 minutes per hour of work) in her work.

How to use a household electric spinning wheel?

For work, prepare pre-combed and evenly laid material (for example, the same dog's coat). Tie The tip of the woolen strand to the usual thread, which is threaded through the reel and thread into the thread distribution mechanism. Start the electric drive, and the thread will start to pass through the system and pull the fibers, forming yarn. Hold and periodically adjust the material with your hands, so that its feed is even. If the thread slips, you can stop the machine and wait for the thread to pass through both yarn feeders.

The most popular domestic models of electric spinning wheels for spinning from canine wool and other materials are BEP-01, BEP-02, UFA-2. Less common are ERGO, Metelitsa - they are no longer produced, and you can buy such a used spinning wheel only with "hands".