The child's nervous tic

If you notice that your child is twitching his eye or he often twitches with his shoulders, it may be a nerve tick. What is it and how to get rid of it?

The child's nervous tic is a neurological disorder in which frequent involuntary twitching of any parts of the body is observed. Most often, children from 6 to 10 years old face this. Nerve ticks in children can be manifested, like twitching of cheeks or eyebrows, blinking, shrugging, shudders. This tick is called motor. If the child has symptoms such as snuffling, snorting, sniffing, coughing or other sounds, then such a nervous tic is called vocal. Most often, the child's nervous tic occurs in the eye area and is the easiest in treatment type. Many children are embarrassed by this disease and feel unconcerned about others, in such cases, the tick may become worse. Also, this illness manifests itself more strongly in a state of increased excitation or fatigue, and vice versa, calmness or relaxation.

Nerve Ticks in Children - Causes

  1. Hereditary factor - very often at an early age in children whose parents have suffered in childhood or are now suffering from a nervous tic, the same disease manifests itself.
  2. Disorders in the central nervous system - children suffering from hyperactivity syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, attention deficit, are more susceptible to this disease.
  3. Stressful situations, past illnesses, fright - a tense situation in the family or elsewhere, caused by various circumstances, increases the risk of a nerve tic.
  4. The child hides his emotions - in case the baby closes in itself or restrains some strong emotions, the manifestation of this ailment is also possible.
  5. Other diseases and medications. Perhaps the manifestation of the child's nerve tic due to infectious diseases, various injuries, a lack of magnesium in the body, as well as as a result of side effects of drugs.

Nervous tics in children - treatment

In most cases, temporary nerve tics in children go away by themselves and do not require any serious medical intervention. But sometimes, unfortunately, neurological doctors face such situations, when the temporary tics gradually become chronic, as a result of which more and more different muscle groups are affected. In order to get rid of this ailment in a child, it is necessary to apply complex treatment. Recommended procedures such as morning exercises, sports, swimming, as well as markedly reduces the manifestation of a nervous tic relaxing massage and acupuncture. In the most severe cases, doctors are forced to resort to medical treatment, the purpose of which depends on the age, weight of the child, and also on the course of the disease.

Parents, in turn, can help the child cope with the psychological factors that affect the manifestation of a nervous tic. First of all, create a favorable and calm environment at home. Give more time to your child, try to listen to his opinion, do with him his favorite deed. Also, it is important to observe the regime of the day - to wake up, eat and walk every day at the same time. Try to find out factors that provoke a nervous tic and avoid them whenever possible. Do not focus on this infirmity of the baby and, even more so, it would be wrong to blame him for it. As a result, the child will try to control himself and begin to worry about this, which will lead to an increase in the nervous tic.

Positive results can bring treatment with folk remedies. As a sedative before going to bed a child can give a tincture of motherwort or a glass of warm milk with honey. During the day, the baby is offered to drink a decoction of medicine chamomile, hawthorn fruit or, simply, add mint to the tea.