The baby has leukocytes in the blood - causes

One of the most important indicators in the results of a clinical study of blood in an adult and a child is the maintenance of leukocytes, and it is on him that doctors and parents most often pay attention. In this article, we will tell you why the child can have leukocytes in the blood, and what should be done in this case.

The causes of elevated white blood cells in the child's blood

There are quite a number of reasons why a baby can have leukocytes in his blood. In particular, such a situation can be observed under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Acute or chronic infection. In most cases, the causes of high leukocytes in the blood in children are associated with the ingestion of an infectious agent. When the immune system of a small youngster collides with various pathogens, for example, viruses, bacteria or pathogenic fungi, a response occurs immediately, which causes an increased production of leukocytes. When the first signs of malaise appear, their concentration may exceed the norm several times. Subsequently, when the untreated disease passes into a chronic form, the leukocytosis can also persist, but it will not be so strongly expressed.
  2. In addition, the causes of increased levels of leukocytes in the blood in young children are often allergic reactions. Allergen can at the same time be anything, - food, inappropriate cosmetics and detergents, synthetic tissues, medicines, pollen of plants and more. Under the influence of any of these substances, the eosinophils often rise in the blood of the baby , which, accordingly, causes an increase in the concentration of leukocytes.
  3. In some cases, the mechanical deformation of soft tissues may also provoke the occurrence of leukocytosis .
  4. Finally, it should be borne in mind that the cause of a slight increase in the level of leukocytes can be physiological in nature. So, this value can increase if you pass tests after a strong physical or psycho-emotional overstrain, taking a warm bath or eating a large amount of meat. In the smallest crumbs, an increase in the concentration of white blood cells can provoke even a banal overheating, since the thermoregulation system in newborn infants is not yet perfect right after being born.

That is why, after receiving the analyzes, in the results of which there are deviations from the normal values, it is necessary, first of all, to repeat the study. If the leukocytosis does take place, you should consult the pediatrician and perform a full examination, since it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis on the basis of this single indicator.