Psychology of betrayal

It will not be weird to say that the betrayals arose when inter-sex relations appeared. On the one hand, this is a fairly common phenomenon, and on the other - there is a strange feeling that treason is capable of destroying human happiness. It seems, as if the world from this falls apart into small pieces.

Consider the reasons for the emergence and, what is the psychology of treason.

A person, amazed at the betrayal of his partner, being in a state of extreme emotional confusion, each person is capable of performing contradictory personalities of his actions. He is capable of revenge, to strive to understand the situation. He wants, first of all, to get rid of the pain. Often, the way out of this situation, the only solution to getting rid of this is to break the relationship. The psychology of the relationship involves many solutions to the exit and the situation and betrayal does not always lead to the completion of your relationship.

Psychology of adultery

Here are some examples of the reasons that one of the spouses is changing.

  1. Dying love. Most likely, your partner did not fully reveal the truth about the sore. To some extent, both partners are guilty for not being able to find a crack in the relationship in time. The birth of the problem. Treason says that your partner is trying to solve this problem by this method, to fill any of your needs, returning love to you.
  2. Internal problems. Treason in terms of psychology sees as one of the internal problems of a partner his unwillingness to start a serious relationship in his life. Perhaps some inner fear is the cause of such an act. It is also possible that he is not confident in himself and, with the help of a large number of sexual connections, seeks to raise self-esteem, proving to himself that he is a bed hero.

Psychology of female adultery

According to statistical data, female adultery is much less than that of men. But recently, due to the rapid development and change of women's views, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity behave more freely, in comparison with earlier years. But the psychology of female adultery differs significantly from that of men. Let us consider this in more detail.

Almost never the cause of betrayal is not the call of nature, the instinct for reproduction. Some women do not have enough male attention, initiative. Therefore, they seek to find such a person who will help fill their inner voids and avoid loneliness. Next to such a partner, a woman feels herself desirable, attractive, interesting.

Women always need confirmation of the partner's love. It is necessary, as air, that it was selected from the gray crowd. If she does not find this in the person of her husband, subconsciously begins to search for a suitable candidate for his requirements.

Psychology of adultery of a woman can carry other reasons as well. For example, a spouse seeks to satisfy his self-esteem or seek revenge on her husband for his betrayal.

Psychology of male infidelity

The psychology of the betrayal of her husband may be due to the fact that one vertex in the person of his wife, he already subdued, then strive to gain victory over another person. Also, the cause of infidelity can be the power of the instinct to procreation, which took precedence over the logic of the man. It can not be ruled out that the spouse began to strain family relations with her boring, routine. If the spouse most of the time "saws" her husband, thereby insulting him, lowering his self-esteem, then chances are that soon he will start walking to the left.

So, both men and women are capable of betrayal. But the reasons, the motives for such actions differ. All this depends on the differences in their psychology.