Ringworm on the head

Lisha are dermatological diseases of various etiologies, characterized by the appearance on the surface of the skin of itchy spots or rashes. Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of the formed skin elements, their localization, there are several types of lichen. Consider the most common forms of this pathology with localization on the scalp, and also how to treat lichen.

Ringworm on the head

The causative agents of ringworm can be fungi Microsporum and Trichophyton, which affect both the smooth skin and the scalp. When the scalp lesions, one or more round-shaped foci with flaky skin and the presence of whitish small scales resembling dandruff are formed. Further, the hair on the lesions begin to break off, leaving "hemp" 1 - 2 mm long. Itching, as a rule, no.

When suppurating form depriving the scalp (deep lichen) on the affected area is a dense purulent infiltrate, from which, when pressed, pus is extracted. Such a disease can be complicated by abscesses.

On smooth skin without hair, ringworm appears as spots with clear contours, along the edges of which a "roller" of bright pink color is formed, consisting of bubbles and knots. The skin in the center of the spot is usually lighter, with grayish scales. Such lichen is often accompanied by itching.

Treatment of ringworm, depending on the severity of the process, requires either topical application of antifungal agents (ointments, creams, shampoos , etc.), or the combination of external remedies with an internal intake of antimycotics.

Shingles on the head

Shingles is a disease caused by a varicella-zoster virus that develops in secondary contact with the Varicella zoster virus or when a latent infection is activated. The provoking factor for the development of herpes zoster is the weakening of the immune system. The disease has different localization and clinical forms.

Skin symptoms are often preceded by general weakness, fever, itching, mild pain at the site of future eruptions. Soon there are pink spots, against which background for a few days there are erythematous papules that quickly turn into bubbles with a transparent substance inside. There is severe pain and itching. After a while, gradually falling yellowish crusts form on the affected area.

There are eye and ear forms of shingles. In the first case, the triple node is affected, in connection with which the rash is localized on the mucous membranes of the nose, eye, and skin of the face. In addition, there may be iritis, glaucoma, keratitis . With the ear form, the knee joint is affected, which causes the appearance of rashes on the auricle, around it and in the external auditory canal. In more severe cases, the facial nerve can also be affected.

Treatment of herpes zoster depriving on the head is carried out with the use of antiviral, analgesic, sedative, corticosteroid agents.

Pink lichen on the head

Pink lichen has an infectious-allergic nature, but the pathogen is still not detected. The localization and appearance of signs of pink lichen on the head is atypical for the disease, it is diagnosed in very rare cases.

At the first stage of the disease often there is a general malaise, a slight increase in temperature. Then on the skin appears a rounded pink spot, the central part of which gradually turns yellow and begins to peel off. A few days later, multiple similar spots form around the spot. Itching and pain while not.

For the treatment of pink lichen in most cases enough external antibacterial and antifungal agents, local corticosteroid drugs, as well as antihistamines.