Dowry of the bride

Even our grandmothers, and some mothers also began to collect dowries for their daughter almost from the time of her birth. Now such collections have lost their relevance - everything can be bought in one day, if there is money. Therefore, not everyone knows what a dowry is, how this word is written, where it is stressed.

What is a dowry?

The stress in the word "dowry" falls on the second syllable. The word "dowry" comes from the words "attach, add", so the meaning of the word is quite understandable and without additional explanations. Dowry, this is what the wife brought with her husband's house, than she replenished the life of a young family.

Dowry wife of the ancient Slavs

In ancient Slavs, his wife's dowry was an indispensable condition for getting married. In Russia, very seriously treated at this time - the dowry itself was prepared by the girl herself, throughout her life, putting it in a separate chest. And I had to cook a lot, except for the wedding garment, my beloved, the bride had to prepare more than 30 embroidered table-tops and towels. Also, the bride had to prepare belts and patterned towels as a gift to the groom's family and the groom himself. Very much attention was paid to decorating the wedding bed. And every girl had to make a rag ball (shelf) before marriage, which she gave to children for the games. From the women's work on the preparation of a dowry, no boyars or princely daughters were released. On the contrary, the nicknames of "netkha" and "nepryaha" were among the most offensive for teenage girls.

A list of dowries was compulsory, which, when transporting things to the husband's house, was kept by the mother of the bride and the matchmaker. The bridegroom also had a hard time, there was such a thing as ransom of the dowry of a bride, vein. By such payment, the husband ensured the integrity of his wife's dowry in the event of his early death.

We collect wedding dowry

It is clear that now we are not talking about hand-embroidered towels and bed-clothes - everything can be bought ready, but what everyone needs to know is not everyone knows. By the way, about the hand-made dowry, if the wedding is national, then this can happen. For example, in the dowry of the bride the Kazakhs must include about 5 corps and korpesh - homemade blankets and mattresses. If the wedding does not have a pronounced national character, then the bride can well do with purchased analogues.

So, what is included in the modern dowry of the bride? The list of things can be quite large, in general the bride can take whatever she deems necessary. But it's good to have a dowry place the following things.

  1. Linens. The design of the bedroom thing is undoubtedly important, but what is its center? Of course, the marital bed. So, including bed linen in your dowry, you can create the right mood for your spouse.
  2. Underwear, nightgown (pajamas), bathrobe. To create mood to the husband these things help also, therefore picking them, watch, that all was beautiful and sexual enough.
  3. Towels for the bathroom. You will need bath towels, tone them with hand towels and waffle or linen towels for guests.
  4. Tablecloths, napkins. It will be useful to take 2-3 tablecloths, and multicolored, in the tone of the tablecloth, linen napkins. The need to cover the table can occur long before the first family trip to the store, so it is better to prepare in advance, so as not to hit the guests in the dirt face.
  5. Dinnerware. Acquiring it, look not only at beauty, but also on practicality. In extreme cases, you can take 2 sets - for everyday use, and for holidays.