Concussion in a dog

Concussion in the dog is a very dangerous condition for the animal. This is due to accidental falls from a height, head injuries, a heavy object hit on the head, during an accident.

Clinical picture

Concussion in a dog, whose symptoms are not difficult to recognize, requires the attention of the owner and the attending physician. Main features:

After injury has been caused, the pet does not need to be ironed, the jaws should be tied with a belt. With a slight damage, after a while the animal comes to, and the painful signs disappear. In severe cases, everything can end in death. In this case, there are widely open pupils and eye rash, spontaneous secretions of feces or urine. In this case, the pet should be immediately delivered to a specialist. If the animal is unconscious, they put it on its side and unfasten the collar . You can make a cold compress on your head. The tongue needs to be pushed out of the jaws so that its withering does not happen.


An experienced veterinarian will immediately tell you what to do if the dog has a concussion. First of all, you need to undergo a series of diagnostic tests:

Treatment of concussion in a dog consists in the use of vascular medications, lowering of intracranial pressure with the help of medicines, improvement of blood supply, removal of soreness.

Concussion in the dog's effects can be very serious. Among them, cerebral edema, so in order to prevent this, prescribe the drug Traumeel. The injections are done two to three times a day.

Animal needs calmness. You should minimize physical stress and avoid stress. Necessary to feed in small portions. In severe shaking, leave the animal in the veterinary clinic for a few days. During the therapy should always visit a neurologist.