Noni juice - application

Despite skeptical reviews about dietary supplements, these products are becoming increasingly in demand. Noni juice has also become an exception - the use of this product has become widespread among women of different ages due to its rejuvenating and health-improving properties.

Indications for the use of noni juice

The presented biologically active additive contains more than 150 substances in a concentration completely satisfying the daily needs of the organism in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, amino acids. Therefore, the list of diseases and pathologies in which it is recommended to take noni juice is so great:

The instruction for the use of noni juice suggests its use even in the therapy of such incurable diseases as AIDS, HIV and malignant tumors. There are studies confirming that the immunomodulatory properties of the product can stop the reproduction of viral and cancer cells.

How to take Noni juice?

Internal use of the drug is possible for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

In the first case, it is recommended to drink 30 ml of juice morning and evening half an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after a meal. It is important that the drug entered an empty stomach.

The course is no less than 3, but not more than 6 months. Repeat therapy can be done after 90 days according to the prophylactic scheme. In this case, the method of application of noni juice assumes the same dosage as for medicinal purposes, but the duration of administration is less, up to 3 months, 2 times a year (preferably in early autumn and spring).

It is worth noting that you can use the additive externally. For the treatment of inflammatory dermatological diseases, it is necessary to soak the gauze cut with juice and apply a bandage, leaving it for 8 hours. Then you should do a 2-hour break and repeat the procedure. The treatment lasts 2 days.

Application of noni juice in oncology

As a rule, the presented product is used for therapeutic scheme for malignant tumors. There are studies showing that it will be more useful to take a more frequent intake: 1 tablespoon three times a day. The reviews confirm that 45-50 ml of juice is the optimal dosage, because with this application the patient begins to feel better already at the 3rd week of treatment. After a whole course, tumor and metastasis growth stops.

Contraindications to the use of noni juice

In addition to individual immunity to noni fruits, there are no diseases that can interfere with taking the supplement. The only thing worth paying attention to is the simultaneous use of other medications, the action of which is the opposite of the effects of juice.