Low hemoglobin - treatment

Hemoglobin is a special protein that is part of the blood. A certain amount of it in the body is necessary to ensure a stable life. Low hemoglobin, the treatment of which is carried out through the use of special drugs and special nutrition, can occur because of increased consumption or lack of food.

Treatment with low hemoglobin

Therapy is aimed at normalization of blood parameters such as erythrocytes, hemoglobin and color factor. Also, the treatment involves restoring the balance of iron and its reserves.

Treatment of low hemoglobin in the blood, above all, begins with the elimination of factors that are bleeding of varying intensity. It can be removal of hemorrhoids, regulation of uterine bleeding, fight with ulcers and enteritis.

The fight against the disease is based on taking medications containing iron, while injecting drugs is recommended intravenously or intramuscularly. To avoid possible allergic reactions, injections should be done permanently. As a rule, the daily dose of iron is 100-300 milligrams.

If the low level of hemoglobin is a consequence of a vitamin B12 deficiency, then the treatment is performed by subcutaneous administration of this vitamin. The use of drugs should be carried out under the constant control of blood tests.

Low hemoglobin - treatment with drugs

The means are developed, in the composition of which there is iron, which has an easily assimilated form. Among the most famous drugs are:

The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to three months. In this case, the visible result occurs approximately after 2-3 weeks of taking the medicine. If the composition lacks ascorbic acid, then you must additionally take vitamin C to 0.3 g per day.

If low hemoglobin is detected and tablets are treated, it is not allowed to drink calcium-containing products at the same time, since they are antagonists. Therefore, drink iron with milk, green than coffee and can not.

Low hemoglobin - treatment with folk remedies

As home remedies of therapy use products rich in iron:

It is undesirable to eat foods that interfere with iron absorption (parsley, coriander, dairy products, coffee and green tea).

In addition, it is recommended to include in the diet more vitamin C, which promotes the assimilation of iron. Most of it is contained in black currant, kiwi, dog rose and citrus.

Low hemoglobin can be treated not only with the help of medicines, but also with folk remedies. A suffering lack of iron is recommended to drink a large amount of pomegranate juice and wild rose hips, which include vitamin C. In addition, they recommend such recipes:

  1. In the mornings it is useful to drink carrot juice or a mixture of beet, apple and carrot juice.
  2. A good remedy is the ground buckwheat with walnut in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture is used twice a day for two spoons.
  3. To increase the level of hemoglobin, it is advisable to use the grass of the white glitter. A spoonful of grass is poured over with boiling water (a glass). After insisting, they drink half an hour before meals or after two hours after a meal. Take the drug three times a day.