Arthrosis of the Ankle - Symptoms and Treatment

Degenerative changes in cartilage tissue lead to its gradual destruction. If this process affects the ankle, there is a significant increase in size, which causes injuries to adjacent soft tissues. This disease is called arthrosis of the ankle - symptoms and treatment of pathology can be different for each specific case, and also depend on the factors that provoked cartilage integrity disorders.

Causes and symptoms of ankle arthrosis

Some diseases of the musculoskeletal system can lead to the development of the considered disease:

In addition, an important role in the degenerative changes of cartilaginous tissue is played by heredity, individual features of the organism and joint structure, the presence of endocrine pathologies, inflammatory and chronic ailments.

The described disease that has arisen for the listed reasons or suddenly, without accompanying provoking factors, is primary. In medicine, it is known as chronic deforming arthrosis of the ankle joint.

Also, the mechanism of degenerative destruction of cartilage can cause its external damage. Especially often such diagnoses are put to professional athletes, whose activities are associated with increased stress on their legs. In such cases, there is posttraumatic arthrosis of the ankle, characterized by microcracks on the cartilage, articular bag, a decrease in the production of synovial fluid.

The main symptoms of the disease:

How to treat arthrosis of the ankles?

Disease therapy consists of a set of measures aimed at stopping inflammation, pain syndrome and restoring mobility.

Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint:

  1. Admission or injection of anesthetics (Diclofenac, Naproxen).
  2. Massage.
  3. Physiotherapy (phono and electrophoresis, shock wave, UHF).
  4. Performance of special gymnastics and exercise therapy.
  5. The use of chondroprotectors based on chondroitin, as well as biostimulators.
  6. At an exacerbation - nyxes of steroid medicines directly in a cartilage (Piroxicam, Indomethacinum).

If these methods of conservative therapy are ineffective, the doctor can prescribe a surgical operation (arthrodesis, prosthetics, arthroscopy).

Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home

In uncomplicated form, the severity of the symptoms of the described disease can be reduced independently. This will require:

  1. It is right to choose shoes with a heel about 3-4 cm and a comfortable footbed.
  2. Every day perform simple exercises (bends, tilts of the foot).
  3. Do a joint massage, try manual therapy, working on the biologically active points of the feet.
  4. If necessary, take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets.
  5. Fix the damaged area with an elastic bandage or a special sock in case of severe pain and swelling, leave the leg at rest.

In addition, the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint is widely practiced by folk remedies. They are effective only at the initial stages of development of pathology and should be used as auxiliary methods.

Excellent help from pain baths for feet with broths of mint, ledum, burdock and hay. Also recommended are compresses with mustard powder, infusion of violets, oregano, juniper.