Diffuse toxic goiter

In the people this disease is more known, as the disease as a disease. Diffuse toxic goiter is a rather serious problem of the thyroid gland. Neglect this disease is impossible, because with improper treatment or total inactivity, it can easily lead to death. In time to make the diagnosis and start treatment can, knowing the main features of the disease. About them and we will tell in the article.

The causes of diffuse toxic goiter and its symptoms

Diffuse toxic goiter is an autoimmune disease. Sometimes the body fails and begins to produce antibodies against itself. Usually in such situations, the organ against which the bodies are produced is oppressed, but in the case of the thyroid gland everything turns out the other way around. With Graves' disease (also called diffuse toxic goiter), the thyroid gland grows substantially in size. This, in turn, negatively affects the overall health and functioning of other vital organs.

The development of diffuse goiter can be divided into several degrees:

  1. Zero degree - goitre is absent. The size of the thyroid gland is normal, but the number of antibodies in the body is increased.
  2. Diffuse toxic goiter of the 1st degree - goiter is present, but under normal position of the neck it can not be noticed. That is, roughly speaking, there is no visible increase in the thyroid gland.
  3. Diffuse toxic goiter of the 2nd degree is the most severe degree of the disease. Do not notice the goiter in this case is impossible. The fact that the thyroid gland is enlarged is visible even when the patient's neck is in a normal position.

Undoubtedly, the earlier treatment begins, the faster and less problematic it goes. In general, the predictions for the development of diffuse toxic goiter can be considered favorable. Most patients manage to defeat the disease by initiating intensive timely treatment.

The causes of the development of the disease are as follows:

As a rule, goiter develops in parallel with diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, anemia and others.

The main symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter differ, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Frequent manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  1. With Based's disease, problems in the work of the cardiovascular system are possible. There is a sudden increase in heart rate, the pressure can sharply increase.
  2. Very often, when the diffuse toxic goiter of a patient is concerned with complications that go to the eyes. Often the deterioration of eyesight and eye diseases with Based's disease worries a person even more than problems with the thyroid gland.
  3. In patients with Graves' disease, disorders of the nervous system are often observed. The person becomes easily excitable, at times too sentimental.
  4. Very often, when problems with the thyroid gland people lose weight sharply, they are tormented by sudden temperature rises.

Diagnosis and treatment of diffuse toxic goiter

In order to identify goiter, you need to conduct a series of studies of blood and urine. With suspicions of Basedov The disease must be an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, effective treatment of diffuse toxic goiter is selected. Treatment with medication often begins. For many, this method helps to get rid of the disease quickly. Medications block the secretion of the hormone.

If, for some reason, drug treatment can not be prescribed, the surgical method is used. Another effective way is treatment with radioactive iodine .