HCG during pregnancy - norm

In order to find out which norm of hCG during pregnancy we will determine what exactly is hCG, and what is its significance. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a synthetic hormone secreted by the chorion of a pregnant woman at the beginning of pregnancy and the placenta before birth. HCG is present in the human body and beyond pregnancy, but its concentration is very small. An elevated level found in a nonpregnant woman or a man indicates an oncological process in the body. During pregnancy, already 7-10 days after conception, the level of beta-hCG increases and it can be determined. Usually beta-hCG doubles every 2 days, its peak falls on 7-11 weeks, and goes on recession. It is recommended to screen 1 trimester already at 10-14 weeks of pregnancy, hCG rates in this case range from 200,000 to 60,000 mU / ml, it is conducted to identify early complications of pregnancy or possible congenital pathologies of the fetus.

The rate of hCG in pregnant women

The importance of the hormone HCG is difficult to overestimate: it is produced by the body, it allows the yellow body to exist not for two weeks as during the usual menstrual cycle, but the entire gestation period. HCG consists of two subunits - alpha and beta. The analysis is taken by venous blood sampling. On the diagnosis of small terms, a unique beta-HCG of blood is used, the norm of pregnancy is 1000-1500 IU / l. If the hCG level is more than 1500 IU / L, the fetal egg in the uterine cavity should be clearly visualized by ultrasound examination.

If hCG is higher than normal in pregnancy, it can talk about toxicosis, Down's syndrome or other fetal pathologies , diabetes mellitus, pregnant women, the wrong period of pregnancy. Also, the norms of hCG in double, the norms of hCG at any multiple pregnancy are increased in proportion to the number of embryos.

If HCG is lower than normal in pregnancy, this may indicate a delay in fetal development, placental insufficiency, undeveloped pregnancy or fetal death (during diagnosis in the second to third trimester). The norm of hCG with ectopic pregnancy is more than 1500 mIU / ml, and the fetal egg in the uterine cavity is not determined.

Analysis of hCG during pregnancy - the norm

At the analysis of a blood on b hchch at pregnancy the norm makes:

Note that with prenatal screening, hCG is defined approximately as each organism has its own characteristics and the result can slightly deviate.

HCG - norms for IVF

Norms of HCG after IVF are usually much higher than in conception by natural means, because before the conception the body of the woman is artificially saturated with hormones in order to prepare the organism for conception and bearing of the fetus. Therefore, it is very difficult to identify twins or triplets after in vitro fertilization. But if the result exceeds the growth rate of hCG by 1.5 or 2 times - you can prepare for the birth of twins or triplets.

The norm of hCG during pregnancy of IOM

After obtaining the result of the analysis for hCG, a coefficient called MOM is calculated, which is used to calculate risk indicators. It is calculated as the ratio of hCG in serum to the median value for a given gestation period. The norm of hCG during pregnancy of IOM is one.

Depending on the results obtained in the first trimester of tests, it is possible to determine whether the pregnant woman is at risk for chromosomal pathologies and congenital anomalies. In advance, warn about possible difficulties or prepare a future mother for the birth of a healthy baby.