Lapta - rules of the game

Warm season - the time of hikes, picnics and just spending time outdoors. And that such meetings were fun and memorable, it is necessary to conduct them actively and interestingly.

Lapta game description

Even in the distant past, our ancestors loved the Russian folk game laptu. Popular baseball and cricket abroad are also games of "lap-type" type. This occupation does not require expensive specially equipped areas and special equipment. The main thing is the presence of a small rectangular section 40-55 m long and 25-40 m wide with a coating convenient for running (grass, earth, gravel, etc.). Also need a bit and a tennis ball.

The bit for Russian bass must be fully wooded, without various additional holders and windings. Its length can be from 60 to 110 cm, and the diameter is about 5 cm, while the handle has a length of not more than 30 cm. Children younger can use a flat bit length of 80 cm and a thickness of 2 cm.

The lapta area is divided into 2 zones, as indicated in the figure. On the one hand, there is the so-called "city line", where the supply comes from, and on the other hand the "home" ("kona") line, there is a field between them.

Rules of Russian bast shoes

So, how to play Lapta? There are 2 teams of 5-12 people (usually 6). By lot, one of the teams becomes a beating and occupies the territory of the "city", and their rival-leading diverge throughout the field.

Team hitters

One striker becomes in the feeding zone (2) and beats as far as possible the ball thrown by his partner. After that, throwing a bat, quickly rushes the field to the city zone and back, avoiding "precipitation" (hit the ball, which caught the opponents). The striker can remain in the zone of the house to avoid hitting, but for the return to the city, the next player will have to wait for the kick.

Participants running a jog are prohibited:

The player who returned from the house ("kona") to the city, earns a point for his team. Each competitor has the right to only one strike. And, having earned a point for his team, gets one more try.

Correctly executed is considered to be a blow, in which:

Team driving

Players who are in the field, you need to catch the beaten ball on the ground with your hands, before it falls to the ground and move back to the city. If you can not catch the ball, as soon as possible, you need to pick up the ball from the ground and get them into the overflowing. And, to move with the ball in his hands, strictly prohibited, only to pass each other throws. Also, players in the field can not be touched by runners and interfere with their movement.

When the overflowing was besieged with a ball, a fight for the city begins. In this case, the commands seem to change roles. The former leading, who are in the field, try to quickly occupy the territory of the city, and the hitters run out into the field and try to pick up the ball faster to get to the evaders. This happens until one of the teams returns to the city in full force.

The team that wins the most points will win.

These rules are universal for sports bobs. But at the same time there are different types of lapta, the rules of which can vary depending on the number of players and the form of the field.