Fine motor skills and speech of the child

"Sleight of hands and no fraud" - mummies know that the winged expression has a scientific underpinning. And more precisely, the relationship between petty motor skills and brain development, and in particular speech, is a proven and irrefutable fact. Of course, there is no talk of tricks and deceit, everything is much simpler and more prosaic. Ability to perform clear and precise movements, deftly manage fingers and hands - this is the guarantee of good academic performance, development of the speech apparatus, creativity, attention, memory, thinking. Therefore, doctors and teachers strongly recommend that parents perform basic exercises for the development of the child's small motor skills , almost from birth.

Development of speech through fine motor skills

The connection between the movements of the hands and the development of the mental and creative abilities of man was established in the II century BC, thanks to numerous studies and observations. Especially well traced the dependence of the development of speech and fine motor skills of a small child. By the nature of finger movements and the skills of the baby, you can draw conclusions about how soon he will speak, how intelligible and intelligible his speech will be. There are special tables where the basic norms and requirements are given according to the age of the child. They help to determine if the baby has the necessary skills, and pay attention in time if there is any lag.

As a rule, children, whose parents performed special exercises for the development of fine motor skills , rarely encounter problems of speech underdevelopment. From the age of two months, you can gently sip your fingers, do circular movements, put into the handle various objects to touch. Kids older probably will like different jars with lids, which you can open and close, lay out groats in different boxes, special toys, such as pyramids, cubes, laces. You need to do with the child applications, modeling of dough and plasticine, drawing with finger paints - all this has a beneficial effect on the fine motor skills of the pens. Much attention is paid to the development of speech through fine motor skills in special schools and kindergartens. Children from 1 to 5 years do palchetical gymnastics before each class and during breaks.