Allergic dermatitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

When you touch the hypersensitive skin to the irritant on the cover shows an allergic reaction. This is an allergic dermatitis, and in time the recognized symptoms facilitate the treatment in adults of this ailment. This ultrahigh susceptibility of the organism to the irritant allergen is activated by many factors. And in particular, the state of the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the less susceptible the organism is to such an attack. The likelihood of the occurrence of an illness is influenced by a hereditary predisposition. To the factors aggravating the situation, it is possible to include nervous shocks, weakening protective functions of the organism.

Moreover, it is important to take into account that this ailment does not occur suddenly. It can appear as 2 weeks after contact with a strong stimulus, and years after exposure to a weak allergen.

The main symptoms of allergic dermatitis in adults

The symptomatology of this ailment largely depends on the form of the disease. Distinguish the following varieties of allergic dermatitis:

However, such symptomatology is typical for all forms of allergic dermatitis:

The appearance of at least several of the listed signs is an alarm signal. However, only a qualified doctor can diagnose the diagnosis once, after a preliminary examination.

How to treat allergic dermatitis in adults medically?

In general, treatment in adult allergic dermatitis on the legs is represented by system and local manipulation.

In the first case, the most effective antihistamines are selected. Usually take the following:

Local treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults is carried out with ointments:

When choosing ointments for allergic dermatitis in adults take into account many factors, and in particular, the state of the focus of inflammation.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults by folk remedies

At home healing it is necessary to approach very carefully to the choice of ingredients from which preparations will be prepared. If you do not take it seriously, you can make the situation even more difficult.

With inflammation, manifested on the face, antiseptic herbal decoction is effective.

Herbal decoction recipe


Preparation and use

Mix the dry ground raw materials and fill the healing oil collection. Place the vessel with the contents on a strong fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then the flame of the fire is reduced to a small one and the drug is boiled for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, the medicament is decanted and the affected areas are smeared with inflammation.

From the strongest itching, you can get rid of apple or cucumber juice. These funds can even be alternated. Suppose, in the first half of the day, you can lubricate the skin with allergic dermatitis with apple freshly squeezed nectar, and in the second half of the day - with cucumber.