How to adjust the work of the intestine?

Unbalanced nutrition, snacks "on the go," a sedentary lifestyle and stresses lead to disruption of the stomach and intestinal system. This leads to a feeling of constant discomfort and other unpleasant phenomena. To improve your health you need to understand how to adjust the intestine, what drugs can help in this, and what habits in the diet should be discarded.

How to adjust the work of the intestines with constipation?

First of all, you need to revise your diet. Meals should be regular, minimum three meals a day. At the same time it is important to observe the meal time to exclude from the usual menu the following products:

To restore the intestine, you must follow these rules:

  1. You need to enrich your diet with liquids, especially water. On the day of their quantity should be at least two liters. You should accustom yourself to drink immediately after waking up a glass of water.
  2. During the meal you should try not to wash down the food, and use it only after half an hour. Therefore, twenty minutes before a meal it is useful to drink juices or water.
  3. It is necessary to fill your diet with fiber, which helps to cleanse the bowels and remove slag. Contains dietary fiber in fruits, vegetables, bran, nuts. Upon entering the stomach, the cellulose begins to absorb moisture, fats, food residues, sugars and removes them from the body.

If these rules are observed, the improvement of the condition can be noticed after five days.

How to restore the work of the intestines with folk remedies?

For a fasting day, prunes and its infusion are good. Two hundred grams of berries are poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours. During the day you need to eat berries and drink the infusion obtained.

A good cleanser is a salad of apple, carrot and beet, dressed with olive oil.

To improve the bowels, they advise drinking a decoction of herbs:

And here is how you can adjust the work of the intestine of an adult. You should regularly eat the following foods:

Preparations for normalization of the intestine

The presence of problems with digestion, which are manifested in bloating, constipation, diarrhea, severity in the stomach, indicates a lack of digestive enzymes. Therefore, for treatment appoint drugs containing the necessary substances.


Is the most common medicine. It has in its composition trypsin, lipase, amylase, which promote the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.


The medicine for the normalization of the intestine contains lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Lactose, which is part of its composition, inhibits the activity of pathogenic microbes, providing optimal conditions for the work of enzymes. The drug is involved in the synthesis of vitamin C, B group and K, which increases the protective function.

Bifidumbacterin forte

A medicine of natural origin, which normalizes the activity of the intestine. The presence of bifidobacteria promotes the recovery of microflora, which helps to eliminate toxins, protects against the development of pathogenic bacteria, and also helps to absorb vitamins and amino acids, improving human immunity.

Restoration of normal operation of the intestinal tract can be carried out by taking such medicines: