Acute pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Mucous membranes of the pharynx are often affected by various damaging factors, bacterial, fungal and viral attacks, allergic reactions that cause inflammation. As a result, develops acute pharyngitis - the symptoms and treatment in adults of this disease is studied by an otolaryngologist. Effective therapy should not only stop the unpleasant signs of pathology, but also eliminate its original cause.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis in adults

The early stages of the described disease are not accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations. The general condition of a person is quite satisfactory, at first there may be an inconspicuous dryness in the throat, a certain level of discomfort.

In the future, the disease progresses, so the following subjective sensations appear:

Also, there are very specific external signs, due to which it is easy to diagnose acute pharyngitis in adults, even from the photo:

How to treat acute pharyngitis in adults?

In most cases, when there is an easy form of the pathology in question without the risk of complications, a standard therapeutic approach is sufficient:

1. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol.

2. To exclude from the diet any irritating dishes:

3. Drink about 1.5 liters of fluid per day, it is desirable that it was vitaminized drinks:

4. Daily to perform hot foot baths, for 10-20 minutes.

5. On the front surface of the neck systematically apply warming compresses.

The presence of discomfort in the throat and pain syndrome is additionally recommended for its local antiseptic treatment. For example, rinses help well:

Irrigation of mucous membranes with local antimicrobial medicines is also prescribed, among which:

To mitigate the clinical manifestations of the disease and temporary relief of pain syndrome, otolaryngologists recommend lozenges and lozenges for resorption:

In severe cases and rapid progression of the disease, the treatment of symptoms and causes of acute pharyngitis in adults involves the use of antibiotics and effective antiviral drugs.

The most effective and at the same time a safe agent with a pronounced antimicrobial activity is the preparation Bioparox, manufactured in inhalation form.

Among antiviral agents, ENT doctors often recommend such a medicine as Imudon.