Sulfur Ointment - Application

Sulfur ointment is a miracle cure, possessing a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. It perfectly heals wounds and stubbornly fights against fungal diseases of the skin. The use of sulfuric ointment, as a means to combat various diseases of the skin, began a century and a half ago. And today it is valued no less than tar and iodine.

Indications for the use of sulfuric ointment

Sulfur ointment, as a rule, is used when:

The use of sulfuric ointment when deprived

To treat lichen, usually, use 10% ointment. The way of applying sulfuric ointment is as follows:

  1. Sites of skin affected by lichen are treated with salicylic alcohol.
  2. A thin layer on these areas is applied and a little rubbed ointment.

Ointment is applied twice a day for a week, a maximum of 10 days.

Application of sulfuric ointment in demodicosis

The use of sulfuric ointment is simple in demodicosis due to the fact that it has excellent antiparasitic properties. It is applied either to problem areas, or to the entire surface of the skin for a certain period of time, for example, overnight. The layer of the ointment should be abundant. In this case it is desirable to change the sheets and clothes every day, since the skin will be strongly peeled off, and parasites will die together with the peeling skin.

Application of sulfuric ointment from scabies

Sulfuric ointment when scabies is applied to the entire body. In this case, you must first take a warm shower, washing your body with soap and then dry the skin with a towel. The product is not flushed off the skin for 24 hours, and after this time, the procedure for showering and applying the ointment is repeated again.

Application of sulfuric ointment from acne

To eliminate acne, 33% sulfuric ointment will be more effective. However, you should be careful when applying it to the skin. The layer of the ointment should be thin, because it dries the skin quite strongly.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of acne, sulfuric ointment has a simple method of application. It is applied in the morning and evening in a small amount on a pimple and after 3-4 hours is washed off.

The use of sulfuric ointment for psoriasis

In psoriasis, sulfuric ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin, usually once a day, usually at night. Tingling is possible, but it is a normal reaction of the body. If tingling causes a lot of inconvenience, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe a sedative.

Application of sulfuric ointment in seborrhea

With seborrhea, sulfuric ointment is easily applied every night at night. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. During treatment, the skin will be sufficiently flaky, therefore it is desirable to change bed linens and clothes frequently.

Application of sulfuric ointment in fungus

The ointment is applied in a thin layer on clean, dry skin, on the areas affected by the fungus. This procedure is done in the evening, and in the morning the ointment is washed off with clean water or gently washed with tampons dipped in boiled cold oil.

It must be remembered that sulfuric ointment can cause too strong a reaction to sensitive skin. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should apply it to a small area of ​​healthy skin and leave for 3 hours. If there is no severe reddening and itching, or other side effects, then sulfuric ointment can be used to treat the existing disease.

Self-medication, in any case, is extremely undesirable and can lead to dangerous consequences, such as aggravation of the situation with the disease. Therefore, if one of the above mentioned diseases is manifested or suspected, it is worth consulting with a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment and dosage.