Why snakes?

It is quite difficult to meet a person who would like sympathy for snakes. For many, they generally cause a sense of panic. Dreams about reptiles also leave behind unpleasant and squeamish feelings . In order to deal with this image in detail it is worth remembering all the details seen, for example, how the snake looked, what you did with it, etc. Thanks to this, you will have a detailed picture, which will allow you to find out the most accurate information.

Why snakes?

Basically, dreams about snakes are an unfavorable symbol. If you see wriggling reptiles, then you are suffering because of remorse. A night vision in which a snake wrapped around you with rings and releases a sting is a sign that you are not able to fight your enemies or will soon expect serious illnesses. If you stepped on a snake in the water, then in the future you will be in anticipation of happiness.

We'll figure out why the snaking snakes are dreaming. In this case, there is a risk of falling into the trap, which rivals at work. Another such dream promises the appearance of serious disappointment in a close person. If bastards bite other people, then you will offend a friend. Night dreams, in which you see how a snake curled in a ring, is a warning that you should be afraid of an attack from enemies, since you can not cope with it. If a serpent is chasing you, then in the future you should expect hard work. You will have to work out of hours to cope with the task. If snakes are seen in the water - this is a bad symbol that tells you that you made a serious mistake. Gad floating in an aquarium - this is a warning about the insincerity of surrounding people.

Why do you dream a lot of snakes?

The dream in which you walk among a large number of snakes is a sign that soon you will constantly experience. If you see a lot of hissing snakes - this is a harbinger of events that will largely affect the inner world. Reptiles are in a cave - this is a symbol of gaining new knowledge.

Why do we dream about a snake?

This night vision is an unfavorable symbol that tells that there are too many envious and insincere people around who want you to have problems, and some want to die. A dream interpreter recommends being as prudent as possible and not trusting strangers. A snake's club is a harbinger of unexpected guests, with whom there are strained relations. If the snakes had a skin of white color - this is a favorable symbol, which predicts great luck.

What does a creeping snake dream about?

To see how a snake crawls on the ground, then, soon will have to face the enemy, who decided to move to active action. If the snake was poisonous, then you will not be able to win this battle. Seeing how a snake creeps indoors, then in the future it is worth waiting for changes in your personal life. A dream where a snake crawls on a watering hole is a symbol of the fact that some person develops a plan to harm you in the financial and family sphere.

Why does a girl have a snake?

If a dead serpent bites you in a dream, then, because of the duplicity of a loved one, you will have to suffer. For an adult woman, a dream about snakes is a harbinger of gaining independence in relations with the spouse and in the material sphere.

What does a snake have dreams about?

Killing the reptiles in a dream, then you are ready to go on your head to achieve the desired goal. Soon you will be able to defeat the enemies. Even such a dream predicts the emergence of a serious conflict that you will painfully experience. Dead snakes predict an acquaintance with a man, because of which there will be various troubles.