Why dream of a fight?

Why it's a dream to fight is a very interesting question that invariably arises from those who were visited by such a dream. As a rule, such a dream portends some conflicts and quarrels in real life, but a more accurate interpretation is possible when clarifying details of the night vision.

Why dream of fighting with a knife?

If in a dream you see yourself as an armed knife or some similar object, it means that you will soon be lucky. If at the same time in the fight you have won, then ahead you have a long happy period in your life, when everything will work out. If you lose or got wounded in a fight, then luck in real life will consist in getting rid of some of your already existing troubles.

Why dream of fighting a man, a woman?

What matters is who your opponent is. If the opponent is a man, then there are possible different interpretations. Fighting with a lover means that in real life harmony and mutual understanding will prevail in your relationships. If the opponent is a husband, then this indicates an imminent threat of family conflict, you need to be very careful and will not allow a scandal. If this is a fight with your father, it means that you have some kind of misunderstanding with relatives or they are too actively interfering in your personal affairs. The fight with a special female means, that about you dissolve bad gossip. If you have a fight in a dream with a friend, then she has some selfish goals towards you, it's worth taking a closer look at her actions.

Why dream of fighting with the deceased?

Dreams in which you enter into conflicts with dead people can also be viewed in different ways. If the deceased person does not know you, but you know for sure that this person is dead, then you will soon have a test of strength. If you knew the deceased during life, then a fight in a dream with his participation means longing, a sense of loneliness , depression.