Coconut substrate in briquettes

What is this - a coconut substrate in briquettes? First, crushed, and then pressed under high pressure fibers from the coconut shell - this is a coconut briquette.

The initial condition of the briquette is a compacted plate from the pressed substrate. If you add liquid to it, it will turn into a block ready for use, in which you can plant the plants. Thanks to a special net, in which the briquette is wrapped, its shape is preserved and the environment is clean.

Among gardeners and gardeners, briquettes from the coconut substrate Growblock are very popular.

How to use coconut substrate?

This substrate is primarily used for growing indoor plants, seedlings of vegetables and flowers, shrubs and much more.

A coconut substrate can and should be used as a mulching agent. It will perfectly preserve moisture and heat in the soil. Has no "land diseases" and pathogenic fungi.

Using coconut substrate, it is possible to increase all parameters of soil fertility, such as: physical, biological and agrochemical.

How to cook a coconut substrate?

How to grow a coconut substrate to get the ideal nutrient soil? This issue is very relevant for many gardeners and just lovers. It turns out that it is not very difficult, it will take:

From this set you will receive one hundred liters of excellent nutrient soil, which is suitable for growing all crops.

At once take a liter of biohumus liquid dilute in water (25 liters). Then lower the coco-substrate cleaned from the wrapper and press it to the bottom. To quickly soak, help with your hands. Remove the swollen coco-peat into a separate container. In 10 minutes you will have 80 liters of wonderful coconut peat. It must be carefully kneaded dry biohumus. Just pay special attention to the fact that it is for this mixture recipe that pure and undiluted biohumus is needed. In the end, you get a hundred liters of soil, which is already ready for use.

This mixture is just perfect, it is completely saturated with all nutrients and microelements, and for several years ahead. To the touch soil mixture is very pleasant, crumbly and, importantly, it has absolutely no unpleasant odors.