Basil - useful properties

Many people know the basil as a culinary seasoning. Indeed, thanks to its unique aroma (it should be noted that there are several dozens of varieties of basil, and each of them has its own unique smell), basil is actively used in cooking as a seasoning and a component of salads.

Surely, many fans of this delicious and fragrant plant have no idea what really useful properties have basil and how it can be used in folk medicine. This is a unique plant, and how to get from it a good one hundred percent, we will tell in this article.

Useful properties of basil

Traditional medicine has learned about the beneficial properties of the basil for a long time, so today it actively uses this plant for the treatment of many diseases. All varieties of plants are characterized by the richest chemical composition, which determines the useful properties of the basil violet. In each leaf of this plant contains a lot of useful substances and trace elements, such as, for example, essential oils, phytoncides, ascorbic acid. And that's all - just a miniature part of the list.

Separately, I would like to highlight the main useful properties that basil has, and what effects the plant has:

Among other things, basil can be considered an excellent antispasmodic - it very quickly and effectively removes spasms of muscles and internal organs. Often, drugs based on basil are used as a remedy for bloating and flatulence.

Unique properties of the basil allow the plant to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body and immunity . Regular use of basil (and as a medicine, and as a delicious seasoning and dietary supplement) leads the body to tone and prevents the emergence of a number of diseases.

Basil has such properties that allow using tinctures based on it, even as a means for treating the oral cavity. And adding some basil tea to the bath, it's fashionable to relax and rest for real.

Basic ways of using basil

Of course, the most famous way to use basil is to eat it. Dishes with the addition of dried or fresh basil are a kind of pleasant medicine. By the way, dishes with basil are suitable even for those who are concerned about their shape: in a hundred grams of the plant contains a minimum of calories (27 kcal, to be more precise).

Very useful basil tincture of cough , and the decoction on the basis of the plant will save from the common cold and eye diseases. The juice of lemon basil has beneficial properties that improve digestion and intestinal microflora.

Often, the basil is even used as an antipyretic. The fact that the plant has antiviral and bactericidal properties, and this allows the basilica to reliably deal with acute respiratory diseases.

Basil - useful properties and contraindications

In addition to the fact that basil can save from the negative effects of radiation and serve as an excellent means of preventing the occurrence of cancer tumors, it also has a number of contraindications (as, in general, any other medicine):

  1. Since basil tones the body, people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities.
  2. Excessive consumption of basil can cause poisoning - in everything you should know the measure.
  3. Despite the many characterizing, it is because of its properties and active influence that basil as a medicinal plant is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. Do not get involved in basil diabetics and hypotension.