Strengthening the immunity of folk remedies

The restoration of immunity by folk remedies is a safe, and sometimes quite effective, method of preventing many diseases. It looks contradictory, but today people come back to basics, when the pharmaceutics were just beginning to develop, and various folk remedies were widely used, because for many medicines were not available. Now medicines are available to almost everyone, but people still seek to find healing herbal decoctions and recipes for mixtures that increase the body's resistance to infection.

How to strengthen immunity with folk remedies?

Strengthening of immunity by folk remedies should be held periodically, when outbreaks of influenza come - early spring and late autumn. It is believed that in order to properly prepare the body for the upcoming test, it takes at least a month, and therefore, it is better to conduct prevention in February and September.

How to restore the immunity of folk remedies based on herbs?

To strengthen the body, instead of the usual black or green tea, you should drink medicinal herbs:

These herbs can be combined in different ways, and alternated in such a way as not to cause allergies. They contain active substances and vitamins, which strengthen the immune system.

To facilitate the collection of herbs, you can buy ready-made fees in the pharmacy. Often, the necessary combination is called "anti-cold tea" or "bronchodilator tea."

How to improve the immunity of folk remedies based on products?

To strengthen the protective functions of the body in the cold period, you can make special mixtures of products - mush or juice.

The recipe for a vitamin drink:

  1. With the help of a juicer, strain 1 cup of radish, kalina, lemon and carrot juice.
  2. Then mix them and add 2 tablespoons. honey.
  3. After that the product is ready - it should be taken 2 tablespoons. several times a day.
  4. Vitamin drink should be stored in the refrigerator.

The recipe for lemon-garlic:

  1. Grind with peel 1 lemon and peeled garlic head.
  2. Then pour them 3 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 24 hours.
  3. After this time the product is ready - it needs to be taken in 1 tbsp. in the morning and in the evening.
  4. This product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Maintenance of immunity by folk remedies based on essential oils

Another means of strengthening immunity is the use of essential oils. In pharmacies, you can buy special pots on a rope, which hang around your neck. Inside drip essential oils, which not only increase immunity, but also kill bacteria that have only penetrated the respiratory tract:

How to strengthen the immunity of the child folk remedies?

Sometimes for children the arguments are meaningless, if they need to give an unpleasant and tasteless drink for a long time. Therefore, the support of children's immunity by folk remedies should not only be useful, but also delicious.

Recipe for Honey and Nuts:

  1. Mix 1 liter of honey, 200 g of walnuts, 200 g of raisins and 200 g of dried apricots, as well as 2 lemons with skin. Ingredients must first be crushed.
  2. Then have already prepared the products through the meat grinder, and finally mix.
  3. The product should be stored in a glass container under a closed lid in the refrigerator, and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.

It should be noted that strengthening the immunity of folk remedies will be ineffective if a person does not have a normal sleep regimen, dresses not by the weather and leads a sedentary lifestyle. These three factors are very important for the normal functioning of the body as a whole.