Annual wormwood against cancer - how to take wormwood with oncology?

Phytotherapy has been used by people for more than a decade. Numerous plants have useful properties, helping to fight various diseases. The discovery was information that one-year old wormwood helps to cope with cancer problems.

Is it true that wormwood treats oncology?

Presented grass has a rich chemical composition, since it has essential oil, vitamins, minerals, steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids and other important substances. The plant copes well with microbes and viruses, and has antipyretic effect. US scientists have determined that wormwood cures cancer, so it is recommended to use it as an additional method. It is worth noting that there are medicines for the treatment of cancer diseases that have grass in their composition.

Scientists have proved that cancerous in comparison with healthy cells need a large amount of iron, making stocks of this element. The wormwood annual contains a special agent - artemisinin. It reacts with accumulated iron compounds, which leads to the release of atomic oxygen, and it oxidizes accumulated iron and destroys cancer cells.

Wormwood Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy is prescribed in the treatment of many cancers, but these medicines have one significant drawback: they, along with dangerous ones, also destroy healthy cells, which explains the serious consequences of such treatment. Experiments have shown that wormwood one annihilates one healthy cell, for every 12 thousand infected (the results of chemotherapy are 1 normal per 10-15 cancers). What is useful for wormwood, application in folk medicine and other topics are studied by scientists to develop a unique anti-cancer agent.

Treatment of lung cancer with wormwood

This type of cancer is more a problem for people who smoke a lot. Treatment has good prospects, if it is carried out in the first or second stage. It is not necessary to believe in hope only for folk remedies, since it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor, since the disease is deadly dangerous. Wormwood from lung cancer can be used as an auxiliary method.



  1. All ingredients are mixed, and pour the resulting collection into three liters of boiling water.
  2. Cover and press for two hours.
  3. Put everything on a minimal fire and simmer for a couple of hours.
  4. At the next stage of preparation, infusion of the broth is carried out, for which wrap it with a warm blanket or use a thermos bottle. The duration of infusion is 24 hours.
  5. Infuse the infusion, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Keep the finished folk remedy away from the sun at normal temperature.
  6. Take it one spoon before eating.

Wormwood from breast cancer

Among the female, this malignant neoplasm takes a leading position. The risk of developing cancer significantly increases with age and at first birth. The reasons also include dysfunction of the ovaries , the presence of benign formations and hereditary predisposition. For treatment, surgical intervention is performed. Still use radiation, hormonal and a chemotherapy. Wormwood against cancer can be applied with the permission of a doctor to improve the results of the main therapy.



  1. Mix the ingredients and insist them for three hours in a cool place away from the sun.
  2. Wormwood annual against cancer in this recipe is used on 65 g three times a day. For taste, you can put honey.

Wormwood with throat cancer

This malignant disease is located in the region of the head and neck. The concept of "throat cancer" is a common name for lesions in the larynx, vocal cords and other adjoining organs. It is worth noting that recently the percentage of patients is growing. The main provocateurs of cancer are cigarette smoke, bad ecology and ethyl alcohol. Bad and unbalanced nutrition is important. For auxiliary therapy wormwood is bitter with oncology used inside and outside. Lotions are done at night.



  1. Mix all ingredients and take only a couple of large spoons of the collection;
  2. Pour the plants with boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. After that, persist for 5 more minutes.
  4. It will only drain and can be used. It is necessary to drink 1 liter of ready liquid during the day in small sips, and 0.5 liters are used for compresses.

Wormwood from stomach cancer

The risk of developing such an oncological disease increases with hereditary factor, ulcer, large polyps and atrophic gastritis. Doctors do not tire of repeating that folk remedies can be used exclusively in conjunction with oncologist's supervision. If you discontinue therapy prescribed by a doctor, you can skip the precious time.

Treatment with wormwood helps alleviate painful symptoms and speeds up the recovery process after surgery and chemotherapy. It is recommended to take a tincture for alcohol, which is in pharmacies. For one intake, 10-15 drops are taken, which should be diluted with water. Wormwood annual against cancer is taken in courses of 10 days, and then, a break is done for the same duration.

Wormwood against intestinal cancer

Malignant neoplasms can affect any part of this organ, for example, the mucosa of the thick, colon, blind and sigmoid colon. This type of disease is common and it is difficult, and the forecasts are often disappointing. Provoke it can hereditary predisposition, the presence of inflammatory diseases and frequent use of harmful food. Wormwood with bowel oncology should be used only with the permission of a doctor.



  1. Mix the ingredients, and leave them so all night. It is best to use a thermos bottle.
  2. In the morning, filter and take 100 ml to the main meals.

Wormwood against prostate cancer

This form of oncological neoplasm in men is common. Folk remedies are used to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, to reduce progression and to improve the result of basic therapy. It is important to understand that this type of cancer is severe and causes violations of sexual function. Grass wormwood in oncology since ancient times is used as an additional remedy.



  1. To prepare a medicine against cancer, heat the water to 100 degrees.
  2. Add herbs to her and insist 40 min.
  3. Then filter and drink 70 ml three times a day. Wormwood annual against cancer is taken by courses: 10 days of treatment and the same break. It is necessary to pass a minimum of 10 courses.

Wormwood against blood cancer

The presented disease leads to the destruction of the hematopoietic system. This type of cancer is distinguished by the fact that uncontrolled division and accumulation of leukocytes occur. At first the disease grows in the bone marrow, and then, it affects the processes of blood formation. Who is interested in how to take wormwood one-year-old against cancer, it is worth choosing the prescription presented for blood purification . Use the grass with the permission of the doctor.



  1. Mix the ingredients and insist them for only 5 seconds, and then strain immediately.
  2. Drink a drink like regular tea. For taste, you can put sugar or honey.
  3. The course of intake of wormwood one-year-old against cancer is three days, and then, the same break is done. The total duration of therapy is 15 days. It is important not to exceed the deadline.

Wormwood from uterine cancer

Pathologies of the reproductive system, which are of oncological origin, are often found. Uterine cancer is a malignant tumor process that develops from the endometrium. According to statistics, it is found in 2-3% of women. Most of all, women are affected by this disease after 45 years. For those who are interested in how to brew wormwood from cancer, we suggest using alcoholic tincture.



  1. Mix the ingredients and leave for a week to insist.
  2. Take tincture once a day for 30 drops, diluting it in water.

Wormwood against skin cancer

One of the few oncological diseases that is localized on the surface of the body, which gives a chance to detect it in the early stages, and this significantly increases the chance of completely recovering. Wormwood from cancer, the recipe of which has been known since ancient times, is used in parallel with the therapy prescribed by the doctor. You can apply compresses, which were mentioned earlier, and even drink decoction of the root.



  1. Dry roots, pour liquid and boil on low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. After the time has passed, cool and strain.
  3. Drink two large spoons three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Treatment of wormwood oncology

Useful properties of the plant are confirmed, but this does not mean that it is necessary to rely only on folk remedies. Cancer is a serious and fatal disease and if medical care is provided late, the chances of a positive outcome are minimal. Treatment of oncology with bitter wormwood can be performed as an additional technique and only after the permission of the attending physician.