Zolotosysyachnik - medicinal properties and contraindications

Even in ancient times, people began to use various plants for the treatment of ailments. The presence of useful properties in the gold-bearing mill says the name, which in Latin means "one hundred gold", which is associated with the enormous value of the plant. We will understand how the medicinal properties and contraindications are applied, which are presented below.

Arable land - useful properties

The use of the plant for treatment was made possible by the presence of essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, ascorbic acid and other important components in it. The golden sands are valued by such properties:

  1. Like many other bitterness, the plant is used to normalize appetite and improve digestion.
  2. It is useful for the tonic effect, which is manifested in the effect through the nervous system on the work of the heart muscle and blood supply.
  3. The active components of the herb of a thousand-acres improve the peristalsis of the intestinal system. Therefore, it is a part of laxatives.
  4. The presence of phenolic carboxylic acids in the product makes it possible to use it as a choleretic agent.

Grass of a thousand-thousandths - application

Thanks to a huge number of useful properties, the plant has found its distribution not only in the home, but also in the official medicine. From it prepare broths, infusions, teas, juices and tinctures. Therefore, the centaury is used to combat many ailments:

  1. Basically, preparations based on this herb are prescribed as bitterness to stimulate appetite and activate the process of bile secretion.
  2. The presence of useful properties in gold-potting allowed it to be used for the treatment of gastritis , flatulence, dyspepsia, kidney and liver problems. Especially recommend the plant to people with cholelithiasis, since it relieves gallbladder irritation.
  3. It is advised to take the plant to restore the tone after the diseases and operations.
  4. Receiving decoctions of a thousand-acres with a migraine, to stop uterine bleeding, resulting from illness or abortion. In addition to this, the grass relieves pregnant women from toxemia.
  5. Infusion of herbs is advised to use for gargling with infectious diseases, stomatitis or wounds on the gums.
  6. Juice of gold-thousandth is prescribed for the treatment of sick ears.
  7. External application helps to accelerate the healing of wounds, cope with ulcers, eczema, rash.
  8. Regular use of decoction to treat allergy in children for food. It is advised to apply even to combat cancer, and the fees, which include a gold-bearing mill, are effective for eliminating alcohol dependence.

Arable land - contraindications

Before you start treatment with this plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its contraindications. A thousand-square-meter can not be applied to the following groups of people:

Treatment with grass involves the observance of certain doses of drugs, because excessive use of them can cause indigestion. Since the product contributes to an increase in appetite, then the treatment with a herb of a gold-throat is contraindicated in persons with excess weight. Treatment of alcoholism with the help of grass should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as taking medication and continuing drinking can lead to poisoning.