Conization of the cervix

If after a visit to the gynecological office the woman is diagnosed with one of the following diagnoses: erosion, postpartum deformities, cystic neoplasms, precancerous condition, most likely, after taking a number of tests, she will have an operation called conization of the cervix.

Conization of the cervix - the essence of the process

During the procedure, the doctors remove the transformed piece of the conical shape of the cervix and its canal. Quite often conization of the cervix is ​​done not so much for treatment, but for establishing the correct diagnosis. Truncated tissues are sent for histological analysis to identify or disprove the presence of invasive cancer. Also, a detailed study of the resulting material, especially from the cervical canal, is carried out. In case the indications for conization were cervical dysplasia , then special attention is paid to the edges of the truncated cone. In the best variant, there are no altered cells on this site, this indicates a complete removal of the pathological tissue, which does not require further treatment after conization of the cervix.

How do cenoses of the cervix?

Modern medicine offers several methods of conization of the cervix:

To conduct this procedure is recommended immediately after the end of menstrual bleeding. This period is optimal for conization, as it excludes the possibility of pregnancy, and also leaves a lot of time for cervical healing.

Conization of the cervix is ​​contraindicated when:

Conization of the cervix is ​​a healing period

Complete rehabilitation takes from one to several months. Throughout this period, patients can celebrate:

To ensure that the healing process is faster and to avoid consequences, the following recommendations should be followed:

If the procedure is not carried out professionally or if the above limitations are not met, conization of the cervix can lead to negative consequences:

Pregnancy and childbirth after conization of the cervix

Particular attention should be paid to women after coning the cervix during pregnancy and childbirth. Since the appearance of scar on the neck is inevitable after truncation of damaged tissues. This significantly complicates the process of gestation and childbirth, and in special cases and conception. The consequences of this procedure are a threat of miscarriage or, if the cervix is ​​shorter, there is a risk of its premature opening. Women with this problem are stitched during pregnancy and take it off at week 37, when active preparation for childbirth begins. There is also an opinion that after conization, the cervix loses its elasticity, correspondingly, the process of natural delivery is difficult. Most often, such patients are given a planned cesarean section .