Diet in fibrocystic mastopathy

Such a disease as mastopathy, which is a whole complex of changes observed in the mammary glands, and accompanied by the formation of a benign neoplasm, is often found in women. At the same time, its main signs are an increase in the volume of mammary glands and the appearance of pain.

How is it necessary to eat with fibrocystic mastopathy?

The process of treatment of this pathology is quite long. Particular attention in fibrocystic mastopathy is given to the diet. Most doctors agree that facilitating the course of the disease allows a change in the diet of a woman.

So, for the diet to comply with mastopathy, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Sharply reduce the concentration of fat in food. In the course of the research, a direct relationship was established between the frequency of development of pathology and the concentration of fat in the diet: those women who regularly consumed high-calorie food-were more likely to be ill.
  2. Eat more foods that contain fiber, in particular cereals and legumes. It is the fiber that helps to reduce hormonal stimulation of the breast, optimizing the synthesis of estrogens in the body.
  3. Increase the amount in the diet of products containing vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E.

As for fats, while dieting during treatment of breast mastitis, it is necessary to give preference to vegetable fats. This will help maintain the concentration of prolactin in the blood at the required level.

What is better to refuse with this disease?

Many doctors, to maintain a diet for fibrotic mastopathy, recommend completely to abandon the use of salt. This is explained by the fact that it detains fluid in the body, leading to the development of swelling of the mammary glands. If you can not completely exclude it, then you need to limit 7 grams per day.