Discharge from the nipple

Discharges from the nipples in women who do not breast feed at this time are caused by a variety of diseases, the most common of which are breast cancer, mastopathy, and intraprostatic papilloma . The color of the discharge from the nipples can be different: white, yellow, less often green and brown.

Intra-flow papilloma

As a rule, serous, hemorrhagic discharge, observed exclusively from the affected mammary duct, is characteristic of intraprostatic papilloma, but sometimes it can also be a symptom of breast cancer. Allocations in this case are observed when pressing on the nipples. A characteristic feature is also that they are observed with the onset of menstruation, less often - constantly. With palpation, education can be easily detected.

Treatment of this disease depends on the nature of the detected tumor. If it is malignant, then the only solution to the problem will be surgical intervention.

Allocations for mastopathy

The phenomenon in which the discharge from juices, directly associated with menstruation, is observed, was called mastopathy. They have a greenish or brown color. A very important point in this disease is proper diagnosis. In the case where the affected area is not detected and the volumetric formation is not palpable, the doctor prescribes mammography. If the discharge is observed for a long time and does not disappear, a biopsy of the mammary glands is prescribed.

Allocations in the galactorrhea

This disease is characterized by the presence of discharge from the nipple of a white or transparent liquid and is observed mainly during pregnancy. In the event that the presence of this phenomenon is not associated with the bearing of the child and breastfeeding, the process is pathological. In addition, if after 5 months from the moment the woman stopped breastfeeding, the discharge does not stop, then in this case it is necessary to suspect a pathological process.

As is known, the lactation process is regulated simultaneously by several hormones, the main role in this case belongs to prolactin, the synthesis of which occurs in the pituitary gland. Violation of its functioning leads to the development of galactorrhea . In addition, this disease can be observed due to long-term intake of certain drugs, including Chlorpromazine, Methyldof.

A large number of causes that cause a galactorrhea, requires timely diagnosis of the disease. It is in the conduct of such studies as mammography, ultrasound. If a hypothalamic-pituitary gland is suspected of causing a galactorrhea, MRI is also performed.

Treatment of galactorrhea is carried out only when the cause of its development is finally identified. The whole process is reduced to eliminating the cause that caused the development of the disease. If in the course of a long-term study such is not found, then the treatment is reduced to taking a drug that reduces the content of the hormone prolactin in the blood. An example of such drugs may be Bromocriptine, Dostinex. Duration of admission and multiplicity, as well as the dosage of the drug is prescribed exclusively by a specialist doctor.

Thus, there can be many reasons for the appearance of secretions from the nipples of the fluid. That is why a correct and timely diagnostics plays an important role in the treatment. An early call to a doctor, as a rule, promotes the speedy recovery of a woman, and also prevents the development of complications and tumorous diseases of the mammary glands, which lead to death.