Yellow Ovarian Cyst

Most often in medical practice, gynecologists face a functional ovarian cyst, but the yellow body cyst is quite rare, and follicular in 95% of cases. All this - benign neoplasms, which practically do not pass into cancer, but, despite this, such a diagnosis is absolutely not harmless and the gynecologist's observation is mandatory.

Yellow body cyst - what is it?

The cyst is a cavity attached to the ovary with a peculiar "leg", inside of which is a liquid. It appears when, in some menstrual cycle, the egg does not leave, that is, ovulation does not occur. In its place and formed a cyst. Such neoplasms are typical for women of childbearing age, and also occurs in very young girls, menstruation in which has just begun.

Causes for the development of the ovary

Among the scientific world, disputes are still being debated about what causes the cyst to form. It is noted that women who regularly use emergency methods of contraception, or have been medically stimulated by the ovaries , are at risk. All these rough interventions in the hormonal balance of women often provoke a similar problem.

Here are a few other risk factors that can lead to the development of a yellow ovarian cyst:

Symptoms of the ovarian corpus cyst

Often this disease is completely asymptomatic, a woman does not even guess about the health problems that are found on a planned gynecological examination. The size of the neoplasm is small - about 7 cm in diameter and practically does not affect the neighboring organs.

In rare cases, a woman may be harassed by pulling pains in the appendages or a feeling of raspiraniya in the abdomen. Sometimes there may be prolonged menstruation, or vice versa - delays.

Treating the cyst of the ovarian yellow body

The nature of the functional cyst is such that the likelihood of self-destruction within three to four menstrual cycles is high. First, within the next month after the onset, it is a little "blown off", and then, during the next two - it dissolves, disappearing without a trace.

Therefore, after detection of the cyst of the yellow body of the ovary, the interval is maintained for 3-4 months, giving the body a chance to cope on its own. If such an observational position does not justify itself, then they proceed to treatment.

As you know, the cyst is not such an inoffensive disease. Under the influence of the disposable factors, it is possible to twist the leg on which it is located and even the rupture of the ovary. All this can lead to blood loss, peritonitis and infertility.

In order to protect women's health from such consequences, resort to conservative treatment of this pathology. This includes hormonal therapy, and, if necessary, treatment of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Use methods aimed at resorption of the cyst - balneotherapy, electrophoresis, laser therapy. Categorically prohibited are various kinds of warming procedures, such as saunas, baths, beach visits. The category of banned includes hirudotherapy, mud treatment, wraps using sea minerals and algae.

If all these measures do not help, then an operation with ovarian resection is prescribed . It should not be feared. Because it is carried out sparing method of laparoscopy and the woman will soon be able to return to normal life.