Heating of the greenhouse with your own hands

To get a crop almost all year round, or at least a few months earlier than the vegetables in the garden will ripen, you need a simple structure - a greenhouse. If square meters are allowed, then its size can be unlimited to fit all your favorite vegetables and greens.

But how to be with the heating of this building? After all, the minimum temperature at which all this green violence agrees to grow - +18 ° С. And that the vegetables are fully tied and ripened, they need a higher ambient temperature.

To heat a greenhouse in winter or early spring, there are several different ways, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's consider the most popular kinds of the heating systems applied in a private economy.

Heating of the greenhouse with firewood

The simplest and most primitive way to make heating of a greenhouse with your own hands is to install a burzhuyk or similar structure and to heat it with ordinary firewood, branches, sawdust and other wood waste. Any design should be slightly below ground level, and the exhaust pipe serving as a battery will need a maximum diameter and length, in order to fully heat the entire length of the room. When there is no familiar mason at hand to fold a simple stove and there is no stove-burger in the presence, it is possible to build a heating tank from a conventional two-liter barrel with a lid that will serve as a furnace. The principle of operation is simple - a vertical pipe gives an air supply for good combustion, and through horizontal exhaust and heating is carried out.

Water heating

An easy option for heating the greenhouse is water heating, mounted by own hands. It is most often used in conjunction with a gas boiler, but it is also possible to use a wood-burning unit or a boiler with liquid fuel.

To implement the idea of ​​water heating will require a boiler with a circulation pump, because without it it is not possible to heat the long-distance pipes. Accordingly, in addition to gas, electricity must be provided.

The pipe leaving the boiler is located on the greenhouse in the form of a snake, and at the corners it is necessary to install the cranes in order to be able to regulate the temperature of the coolant. Do not lay the pipe directly on the ground, it should be raised at least to a brick above the ground.

Heating of the greenhouse with infrared heater

Before making heating in the greenhouse by electricity, it is necessary to accurately calculate the required power of the devices. In addition, it will require a three-phase network, because the greenhouse will consume a lot of electricity, and the usual wiring can not stand it.

For heating the greenhouse with the help of infrared heaters , waterproof appliances are selected. A small cunning in the arrangement of the room is a longitudinal cemented path, above which the heaters are located. The heat that falls on it accumulates in the path and is slowly released into the environment.

The combination of such heaters with the correct floor arrangement proved to be a good idea - it is made warm with electric mats, and then isolated and buried.

Heat pump

The last word of technology is the heating of the greenhouse with the help of a heat pump. It works by picking up the heat of the earth, and then converts it into heat to heat any room. This kind of heating is much more economical than gas and water, but it requires more means (which, however, quickly pays for itself) and time.

Greenhouse in the land without heating

When there is no possibility to heat a greenhouse, that is a simple "grandfather's" way of growing early vegetables and greens in a regular ditch. Rather, it is not quite normal, because its depth should be at least two meters (the level of freezing of the soil in this region, multiplied by two). The walls of the groove are not vertical, but slightly at an angle and are lished with lime. The ditch should be digged from north to south, throwing the land to the west side.

Above the structure is covered with a layer of film below the freezing level, and the roof is a frame knocked down from wooden slats and sheathed on both sides with a dense cellophane. In the greenhouse, you can install a fluorescent lamp, when natural light is not enough. This design can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° C.