Azalea - reproduction

The abundant azalea blossoms fascinates everyone. I want to not only grow this beautiful flower at home, but also multiply it. Let's look at how to propagate azalea at home. A beautiful azalea, beloved by many growers, multiplies in several ways: seeds, cuttings, bush division, grafting. However, the reproduction of the azalea flower with seeds is very difficult and time consuming, therefore this method is used only by experienced flower growers, professionals for breeding new plant varieties.

Reproduction of azaleas by cuttings

The process of azalea reproduction at home is quite complex and requires a lot of patience and diligence from the florist. Most often, the method of propagation of azaleas with non-fading cuttings is used. To do this, take a stem from an adult plant 5-6 cm long. It should be 5-6 leaves. If you take a completely lignified stalk, it will not take root or it will not take root at all. Prepare a substrate from coniferous earth or peat in advance.

Six hours before planting, the prepared stem is placed in the bottom cut in a solution of rootstock or heteroauxin. And immediately before the planting itself, it is necessary to lower the stalk into a solution of potassium permanganate. In one container it is better to plant 3-4 cuttings each. Semi-lignified cuttings are planted approximately 2 cm deep, and a pot is placed on top. Another option is to cover everything with plastic wrap. The rooting of the azalea cuttings should take place in the dark, so the can should be covered with any dark cloth.

The temperature in the room, where the azalea is contained, should be maintained within 20-25 ° C, the humidity should also be sufficient - up to 80%. The stalk should be regularly sprayed and poured with lukewarm water, and then for about two months it will take root.

As soon as the growth of the cut begins, the jar needs to be removed first for an hour or two, gradually increasing this time, and thus accustoming the azalea to the usual room climate.

Grow a young azalea from the cuttings can be for 2-3 years.

Reproduction of azalea by bush division

If you have a bush azalea already old and there are many shoots, then you can multiply the flower by dividing the bush. In the spring, before the growth begins, the bush should be taken out of the soil and a sharp knife or blade divided at the base, leaving in each part at least one shoot. This procedure should be carried out very carefully, as the roots of the flower are very thin and easily erect.

Reproduction of azalea by grafting

It often happens that the azalea cutting does not want to take root. This happens with many varieties of a flower. In this case, the reproduction of room azalea can be carried out by grafting. The best time to propagate azalea with graft is the beginning of summer.

First, choose a plant to which you will plant the desired azalea. This plant is called a stock, and the variety must be well rooted, and its age can be from 3 to 5 years. Take from this rootstock a stem approximately 15 cm long with well developed roots. And for the graft - this is a variety of azalea, which should be planted - take a stalk of a young plant, always with a small eye.

On both cuttings make the same oblique cuts, combine them and tightly wrap the joint with a piece of plastic wrap. Then the graft with the stock should be covered with a glass jar or planted in a greenhouse. Regularly aerate, spray and water the plant, since azalea loves moisture.

Room azalea - a very demanding plant, so to reproduce it, you need to strictly follow all the necessary measures. If you master the wisdom and subtleties of grooming , growing, caring after flowering and breeding azaleas, you will be able to admire the new beautiful plants.