Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection

For cultivation in a cold climate, "Siberian" varieties of tomato were bred. As in all other breeding groups, there are tomatoes in the "Siberian" assortment, which differ in size of the fruit, color, maturity and height of the bush.

Some of the best Siberian selection are varieties of large-fruited tomatoes. They are both tall (indeterminate) and undersized ( determinant ), but in all, on average, the fruits reach a mass of 300 g and above. Let's get acquainted, which sorts.

Here is a list of large-bodied varieties of Siberian breeding tomatoes.

The most popular are "traditional", red-berry varieties :

The following varieties have a pink coloration of fruits :

Yellow or orange fruits can be obtained by growing varieties:

Those who are looking for a variety with an unusual color , like these:

Each of them has its own peculiarities of growing, so before planting it must be studied in order to avoid mistakes and failures in the process.