Determinant tomato variety

The yield of vegetable crops, in particular tomatoes, depends on many factors, among which, of course, are the growing conditions and the choice of variety. The latter should be discussed separately.

All varieties of tomato are conventionally divided into determinant and indeterminate ones. These complex names sometimes cause confusion among ordinary people, but in reality they do not hide in themselves any difficulties. Thus, indeterminate varieties are characterized by unlimited growth - under suitable climatic conditions and due care of the bush, a whole tomato liana or even a tree can grow. Minus such crops in the late ripeness and the presence of technical difficulties of cultivation.

What does the determinant tomato variety mean?

From the previous definition, we can logically deduce that the concept of "tomato determinant" is a variety limited in growth, that is, undersized. They grow much easier both on the open ground , and in greenhouses and greenhouses, their distinctive feature is precocity. Their cultivation is advantageous from the economic point of view - they occupy a relatively small space and at the same time produce a good harvest fairly quickly.

The determinant tomatoes are suitable for both outdoor growing and greenhouses, the choice of option depends on climatic conditions. The first is more preferable in the middle belt and in the southern regions, the second in the northern parts. From the minuses - the fruits on the bushes grow, as a rule, of different sizes, which does not really matter in the case when the harvest is not for sale.

The determinant tomato varieties, in turn, can be divided into the following types:

  1. Superdeterminant - the first ovaries are formed over 7-8 leaves, after the formation of 2-3 growth stops, because the fruits of such varieties are given little, but they mature almost simultaneously.
  2. Determinant varieties - form about 5 inflorescences over 8-9 leaves, which, respectively, increases their yield. It can also be raised artificially, by molding the stepson shoots, the methods of which were developed immediately after the selection of this species. The period of fruit ripening is more stretched.
  3. Semideterminant varieties - inflorescences appear over 10-12 leaves and after forming about 4 lateral shoots in the amount of 11-12 pieces, after which the bush ceases vertical growth. Fruit ripening in this case occurs throughout the growing season.

When choosing a variety for planting, you should determine for what purposes tomatoes are needed. For canning it is better to take small varieties with hard fruits, for salads pink, and for processing - large-fruited determinant tomatoes.

Features of cultivation of determinant tomato varieties

The determinant tomato hybrids poorly digest useful substances, therefore they require constant additional feeding. Seedlings are planted in holes corresponding to the size of the rhizome. In the hole should be added organic fertilizers. Plant seedlings should be at a distance of 50 cm, with an interval between rows of 60 cm.

The optimal time for planting seedlings comes when there is no threat of frost, that is, around June. Late-ripening varieties should be planted early in May. Early varieties get better and begin to bear fruit by the end of July.

Care consists of several stages: