Fighting against a bear

One of the main pests, which gives many gardeners a lot of trouble, is a bear. This insect loves to live in well-fertilized soil with high humidity and rich humus. It runs through the entire garden plot at a depth of 2-8 cm, damaging root crops, plant roots, flower bulbs and destroying the seed. It should be noted that the bear is a viable enough insect. In addition, she has very developed front legs, with which she breaks underground passages in the soil, she is excellent at keeping on the water, and, thanks to small wings, is able to fly over long distances. This insect is known as the most elusive and hardy among all insect pests. Therefore, fighting with the bear will require you to have special patience, because even chemical agents can not always cope with it.

How to deal with the bear?

It should be remembered that certain measures to combat the bear should be undertaken not only during the active cultivation of plants, but also throughout the year.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude in the garden all places that are favorable for reproduction: garbage, piles of manure and compost. In addition, it is not necessary to feed plants mullein, but the use of this bird litter, on the contrary, frightens the bear.

One of the main ways to combat a bear is a mechanical one, whose main task is to destroy its moves, and also to destroy the larvae and the laying of eggs. For this purpose it is recommended to plow the land in early spring and late autumn, and in the summer period do not forget to periodically loosen the soil to a depth of about 15 cm, especially after watering.

Of course, you can use chemical preparations such as insecticide "Thunder", "Medvedtox", "Phenaxin" or a solution of carbophos to fight the bear. However, it should be borne in mind that this (absolutely effective) way of fighting can seriously affect your health, because vegetables processed with toxic preparations can hardly be called useful. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to use popular methods, which are often not less effective.

Traditional means of combating the bear

  1. In the garden area dig small trap holes up to 60 cm deep, then cover them with straw and fresh manure. In these pits crawl the bear for egg-laying. After a while, manure must be destroyed, for example burned.
  2. Medvedka does not tolerate soapy water. Therefore, many gardeners are advised to fill the visible courses with a solution of soapy water (10 grams of laundry soap + 50 g of detergent + 10 liters of water). As a result, the bear crawls to the surface, where it is necessary to destroy it.
  3. On the beds in a slightly inclined position, the bottles are buried by the neck upwards. For bait in a bottle you can pour a little beer, compote, honey or spoiled jam. The bear penetrates into it, but can not get out on a slippery glass surface and dies. About a week later, the bottle can be dug out, get rid of insects and set traps again.
  4. Medvedka does not like the sharp smell and smell of some plants. Between the beds you can plant marigolds, calendula, or simply decompose freshly cut alder branches, and in pits with seedlings - pounded garlic.
  5. Also protects the seedlings during planting pitted in the pit pounded eggshell. It prevents the penetration of the bear to the root, and from the eaten shell the insect perishes.

Science does not stand still, and sound scares of earth pests appeared on the market. As a result of the vibrations that this device emits, insects leave their burrows in search of a calmer place.

Also on our site you can learn how to deal with other garden pests: Colorado beetle , ants and shrew .