Shingles - the reasons and the best ways of treatment

Relatively widespread disease, which is of a viral nature, shingles occurs on average in 15 people for every one hundred thousand. The virus that causes this disease belongs to the famous family of herpesviruses and is the causative agent of chicken pox .

What is shingles?

Herpes zoster (the so-called disease, in accordance with the pathogen), comes from the Greek ἕρπειν ( herpein ) (crawl, crawl) and ζωστηρ (belt, belt). This ailment is characterized by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin (mainly in the trunk region), which are accompanied by pain syndrome and general malaise. The danger of this virus is that it can cause other, no less complex diseases. Shingles, a photo of which can be seen below, manifests itself in the form of blistering rashes.

Shingles - causative agent

The virus that causes the disease is called herpes zoster and it is also the causative agent of chickenpox, so it is important to understand that a person who has had chicken pox is not safe and he can have shingles, the nature of which is completely different than that of chicken pox. Herpes of type 3 is more often observed in childhood, and in the form of herpes zoster is manifested later as a relapse.

Is the zoster infected or not?

In order to protect themselves from the disease as much as possible, many are interested in whether the herpes zoster is contagious and this interest is fully justified. So, for people who had been ill with chicken pox, will get infected from the patient with shingles is negligible. However, due to the fact that very many people have low immunity due to various reasons, the probability of infection increases. To this group is added a group of people who have had herpes, but the body has not formed the proper immunity and the shingles to them can pass from the carrier as a re-infection.

So, how and when is the disease transmitted:

  1. Both to children and adults, shingles can be transmitted if they have never had smallpox.
  2. Children often get chickenpox on contact with a person who has shingles.
  3. With pronounced low immunity, the risk of infection increases several times.
  4. Contagious is the disease only at the stage when the vesicles are fresh, once they are covered with a crust - the virus is safe.

Tinea - Species

Considering such an unpleasant disease as shingles in a person, many are interested in the question of whether this deprives species and forms. This type of lichen does not have any subspecies or forms, but perhaps information about existing types of lichen and their features will be useful. So, lichen is found in different species, among which the most common:

Shingles - reasons

Information on where the herpes (shingles) comes from may be useful to everyone who would like to protect themselves and protect themselves from herpes zoster. In many respects the causes of this disease can be the presence of other health problems, among which:

There are a number of specific features of the onset and course of the disease.

  1. In the risk group are people taking glucocorticosteroids, which suppress the protective function in the body.
  2. In cases where a person is infected for the first time, he may have symptoms of both the disease and chickenpox and herpes zoster.
  3. In young and healthy people, the risk of getting sick increases simply prolonged heavy physical exertion, severe stress and hypothermia.
  4. In children's groups, chicken pox epidemics can occur with close contact with an adult suffering from herpes zoster.

Shingles - symptoms

Herpes zoster, the symptoms of which we describe below, is a disease that is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms and requires a proper approach to therapy. So, the main signs of herpes zoster and changes in well-being on the eve of the disease are:

Shingles - rash

Such a disease, like shingles in a person whose symptoms we have examined, is always accompanied by painful skin rashes. The rash with this disease appears in the form of papules, located on the hyperemic and infiltrated base. Primarily the places of its localization are the areas of innervation of the trigeminal and intercostal nerve.

Papules of herpes zoster (lichen) quickly (for one and a half to two days) turn into very painful blisters and vesicles, which soon turn into pustules. Then the rash is covered with a crust that exfoliates for 10-24 days of the disease. After peeling, the characteristic hypopigmentation spots remain. The rash usually disappears completely over a period of two to four weeks, but the pain may persist for a long time.

Pain with shingles

Considering the signs of herpes zoster in a person, it is worthwhile to tell about the nature of pain accompanying the disease. With herpes zoster, the pains are herpes-associated, having three phases:

All these states have their own distinctive features.

  1. Acute neuralgia is observed about a month during the period that is needed to resolve the rash. This condition is accompanied by pain, burning, tingling. The pain can be pulsating, aching, stitching and have a permanent or paroxysmal character.
  2. Subacute neuralgia occurs immediately after acute, and can last about three months.
  3. Chronic neuralgia lasts more than four months and can continue for a long time, in some cases, for years.

Herpes zoster - diagnosis

As a rule, the herpes zoster analysis is prescribed for pregnant women because of the risk of spontaneous abortion, the birth of a dead child and various congenital malformations (mental retardation, damage to the organs of vision, slow growth) in case of a disease with chickenpox during initial contact with the virus. In other cases, the confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out by laboratory tests, although herpes zoster has such pronounced symptoms that additional laboratory evidence does not require.

Shingles - treatment

Quite a legitimate question than treating shingles requires detailed study, because medicine does not stand still and drugs that have been effective recently could give way to new, more safe and effective. Along with traditional methods of treatment, many people use traditional medicine methods, but it is more prudent to do this after consulting a doctor.

How to treat shingles in humans - drugs

It is very important to know how to treat herpes zoster so that therapy is as effective as possible. It may seem strange, but if a person is healthy and he does not have any chronic illnesses, then treatment of exhaust gas is not required, but the doctor in any case should apply. Drugs, which are more often prescribed in this case - painkillers, among which:

In more complex cases, the following can be assigned:

In addition to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral drugs may be prescribed, which are designed to prevent complications and promote the early healing of ulcers. These are the preparations:

Shingles - folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine offers many recipes, the application of which must necessarily be agreed with the doctor. The herpes zoster virus, whose treatment is long and often painful, requires the right approach and regular application of therapeutic methods. Alternative medicine offers many recipes, among which we have chosen the most effective.

Ginger root tincture


Preparation and use

  1. Pour the raw material with vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place.
  2. The contents of the vessel must be shaken periodically. In two weeks, the remedy will be ready.
  3. To drink ginger tincture you need twice a day before meals to 50 g.

Tincture from the roots of willow


Preparation and use

  1. Pour the root with boiling water and let it brew for an hour.
  2. Take a quarter cup three times daily before meals.

Herbal compress


Preparation and use

  1. Herbs are mixed, take one tablespoon of the mixture and fill it with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist to cool down.
  3. Apply infusion in the form of compresses to the affected areas for 1-2 hours.

A few simple ways to advise folk healers:

  1. Regular lubrication of painful areas with sulfur and glycerin, mixed in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. Natural undiluted apple cider vinegar is applied on the meta lesions 4-5 times a day. This tool helps to reduce itching, burning and speeding up regeneration processes.

Herpes zoster - complications

The question of what can be expected in the worst case after shingles is asked by many and justified. The consequences of a severe disease and reduced immunity can be as follows:

  1. With eye damage, visual acuity can deteriorate significantly and optic neuritis develop.
  2. If bacterial infection has joined the virus infection, the patient's condition may worsen, and the healing of wounds can drag on for many months.
  3. In severe form of the disease, paralysis of the facial nerve can occur.
  4. There may be a disruption in the internal organs (pneumonia, disorders in the genitourinary system, problems with the functioning of the duodenum).
  5. If herpes zoster (herpes) has an encephalitis form, then the most dangerous and serious complication may be meningoencephalitis, which often leads to disability.

Shingles - prevention

Herpes zoster virus is one of the most common topics for research and debate in the medical world community. Vaccines are developed and improved for preventive purposes, but their effectiveness is still not as high as we would like. Therefore, one of the main conditions is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining the immune system at the proper level.

Inoculation from herpes zoster

To get vaccinated against herpes zoster to forget about it forever - specialists around the world work to create such a vaccine, but so far it has not been possible to do it 100%. Medical private institutions are vaccinating, but its effectiveness is still not high enough and the vaccine works on everyone in different ways. Although disputes in medical circles do not stop, in the modern market can be identified two vaccines against the Zoster virus.

  1. The most optimistic forecasts promise a 32-34% reduction in the risk of the disease after applying the vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline.
  2. The producers of the vaccine "Zostavax" promise much more, according to them, the efficiency in this case is about 60%.

Shingles - vitamins

To help the body to overcome shingles (herpes zoster), you need to supply it with the necessary vitamins and microelements. The most useful and important of them are:

  1. Vitamin C - accelerates the regeneration of tissues, reduces itching and painful sensations.
  2. Zinc - this element interferes with the reproduction of the virus.
  3. Beta-carotene, which helps to cope with the disease more quickly.
  4. Vitamin E - strengthens the immune system and protects white blood cells from viruses.