Fangs in children

All mothers, both young and experienced, are afraid of waiting for the time when the child's fangs are cut. It is not without grounds that this is the most painful eruption, which is accompanied by fever, diarrhea and general malaise of the baby.

In fact, everything is not so terrible, because these teeth are cut when the child is already 16-22 months old, which means that he does not react as much to discomfort as a six-month-old baby. Some mothers may not even notice that the child has fangs, and there are many such situations. Do not need to adjust yourself in advance to a bad scenario.

How to help when the fangs of a child climb?

If your baby is not lucky, and it hurts because of eruption, then the proceeds will come from the following products, which are sold at the pharmacy. In the majority of them, an anesthetic, which for a few hours reduces the sensitivity of the inflamed gums:

In addition, the child can be given drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, not only in the presence of temperature, but also as an anesthetic at the time of eruption.

How long does the child's fangs get?

Usually the tooth appears about three days, but for canines, longer periods of eruption are possible. Some babies will fever for a week before they have the coveted tooth. But the problem is that basically, they appear in pairs, almost immediately begins to climb and the other, but because the eruption may seem protracted.

Some mothers are interested in whether the child can first cut his fangs. Yes, in dental practice there are a variety of cases when the sequence of teething is broken. So it is quite possible, it is the fangs that can appear first, without waiting for the child's half-year age.

When do fangs change in children?

After almost all of the baby's teeth have already changed to permanent teeth, it's time for the fangs to come. This happens at about the age of 10 to 12 years, but the timing can be shifted due to the individual characteristics of the child.