Symphysitis after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth for the woman's body can be a serious test. One of the complications that occur after childbirth is symphysitis.

Symphysitis and childbirth

Symphysitis after childbirth occurs due to excessive divergence of the lonnous articulation and its damage during the passage of the child through the birth canal. The reasons for which there may be a symphysitis is quite a lot. First of all, it is the physiology of a woman. Lone articulation is supported by ligaments, which with the course of pregnancy soften and swell, weakening the strength of the ligaments. In addition, fluid joints are filled, and their mobility is enhanced. Even with normal pregnancy, the distance between the two parts of the pubic articulation can increase by 5-6 mm, a woman may feel a slight mobility of the joint. This phenomenon occurs within 2-3 months after childbirth.

However, if a woman already has injuries of the sacrum, diseases of the osteoarticular system, if she experiences too much toxicosis or there are disorders of the hormonal system, a lack of vitamins, then there is an excessive discrepancy in the pubic joint. It manifests itself with pain, sensation of crunches, on ultrasound of pregnant women or X-ray, the widening of the gap between the joints, edema can be diagnosed. During childbirth, especially if the child is large, there may be a trauma - damage to the ligaments or even a rupture of the symphysis. The most likely appearance of symphysitis in the narrow pelvis or rapid delivery . Among other complications that may occur with symphysitis are trauma of the bladder, urethra and subsequent inflammation in the ligaments.

Symphysitis after childbirth - treatment

Symphysitis can not pass on its own, ligaments of the pubic joint can not be restored without medical intervention. For treatment conservative methods are used - anti-inflammatory connections, physiotherapy, in difficult cases - fixation of the joint. Sometimes you need antibacterial therapy. In complex cases, the operation with the installation of metal structures and the imposition of seams is shown. Treatment takes 3-4 months, the prognosis of the disease is quite favorable.

Unfortunately, such a problem as symphysitis is often given. Therefore, if there is an unpleasant sensation in the pubic area, even in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a survey. Perhaps he will prescribe an additional examination or treatment, and also help to choose the tactics of delivery in difficult cases.