Vertical birth

So, the time of birth is approaching, and each of us is interested in how quickly and efficiently and, most importantly, painlessly give birth to his treasure. You can be interested in any way, you can ask about the births of moms and grandmothers, girlfriends, and you can start reading literature, watching videos.

From the history of the question

There are such kinds of genera as: vertical, horizontal, caesarean section ... Stop, stop, what does vertical birth mean? "This is - something new!" - Anyone will say and it will be wrong. The genera in an upright position return to us from ancient times, where they were widely popular among the peoples of Central Asia, the North, many countries of Africa, Asia, Mexico, South America, and China. And what about Europe? In Holland, Germany and even in Russia, vertical labor was actively used.

Why are horizontal childbirths so popular today? Because in the XVIII century in France, the pose of the mother was changed - it became easy for doctors to control the process in the woman lying on her back. There is a legend that it was the sun king Louis XIV who changed the position of the woman, wanting to watch the birth of his favorite.

The difference between horizontal genera and vertical

But let's see, is it really unusual for vertical childbirth? Not at all. At the stage of opening the cervix, which should normally open up to 10 fingers, no mothers are forced to lie in bed during labor. On the contrary, her doctors ask to move, move around the maternity hall, squat, get on all fours, that is, do everything to facilitate and speed up the labor activity. Moreover, lying in bed is unacceptable and to nothing. And consequently the first stage of genera horizontal does not differ from vertical ones.

During attempts, doctors, obstetricians, and gynecologists put horizontal parturition on their backs during horizontal childbirth, and thereby control the process of childbirth. With vertical delivery, the woman chooses a pose that is comfortable for her, most often by hugging a special chair with her hands and kneeling with her back to the doctors or squatting.

The advantage of vertical genera

  1. According to the law of physics, the gravity of the earth speeds up the process of childbirth and labor is less painful.
  2. According to experts, to give birth to lying more painful than sitting.
  3. The uterus, when lying down, presses on the blood vessels passing along the spine, including the aorta. Because of this, normal blood flow is disrupted, blood vessels are clamped and enough oxygen does not reach the fetus.
  4. Attempts in lying position are more painful and inconvenient. First, the birth process slows down. Secondly, in the lying position, more stimulating and analgesic medicines are used. Tightening, lying on his back, is also uncomfortable, because the mother gives birth to the fruit herself. And at the same time, in the case of acute need for vertical childbirth, the obstetrician-gynecologist turns the woman on her back, and thereby controls the process of childbirth.
  5. Children born "vertically" have higher Apgar scores. Less common in these children are neuralgic syndromes.

Vertical birth - contraindications

  1. Non-standard position of the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Inconsistency of the pelvis of the mother and the head of the fetus - if the fetus gets stuck in the mother's pelvis at such births, it will not be easy to get it.
  3. Gestosis.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Hypoxia of the fetus.
  6. Varicose veins.
  7. Premature and rapid delivery.
  8. Indications for operative labor.

Preparation for vertical childbirth

Prepare for vertical childbirth in specialized centers in special courses, where they give timely recommendations, teach them to breathe, feel their body, show their poses.

Postures during vertical childbirth:

Women who are physically strong and capable of withstanding vertical births are able to give birth vertically. In our country there are few specialized maternity hospitals and specialists who are versed in this field. But everything is ahead!