Recovery after Caesarean section

More than 20% of births occur with the help of a cesarean section . It is produced according to the doctor's testimony, and allows to save the life of mother and child with various pathologies. The recovery period of an organism after a cesarean section is usually longer than after a natural birth and has some characteristics.

Features of rehabilitation after cesarean section

A woman who gave birth with cesarean should understand that she had a fairly serious planned operation. And strive to enter the usual rhythm of life as soon as possible is not justified risk. Restoration of the body after cesarean should be gradual, with observance of all appointments of the doctor and careful care of the postoperative suture.

The first days after the operation

The first day after cesarean section the woman is in the intensive care unit under the supervision of doctors. Then the young mother is transferred to a regular ward for women in childbirth, where she can fully take care of the child. From the second day on, the woman starts walking, eating and feeding her baby. You can sit down no earlier than three days after the operation. During this time, the woman is treated with an antiseptic. Further procedures for the patient will be appointed by the attending physician in the maternity ward.

Nutrition after cesarean delivery

In the first day you can drink only non-carbonated water, especially since after the operation, the appetite is usually absent. From the second day kefir, yoghurt, broth, meat and tea are allowed. Such a diet should be followed until the full adjustment of the stool, which occurs on the 6-7 day after cesarean section. After that, a woman can eat as she was used to, but try to avoid heavy food to avoid constipation.

Restoration of abdomen and figure after caesarean section

The presence of a postoperative scar is somewhat limiting the woman's ability to play sports. But this does not mean that gymnastic exercises after cesarean section are unavailable. Already after a month and a half, after examining the doctor, you can begin to engage in easy gymnastics. However, in no case should not shake the press - this exercise can be done only after 6 months after the operation.

Restoration of the cycle after cesarean section

Restoration of menstrual after cesarean is no different from the resumption of the cycle after the usual birth. It depends on many factors, but primarily on whether the woman is breastfeeding. If the lactation stopped immediately after birth, then the lactation should begin in two to three months, and not later. With HS, the onset of the cycle can last up to six months or more, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's organism, as well as the hereditary factor.

Restoration of the uterus after cesarean

The recovery period of the uterus after cesarean section is 1.5-2 years. This does not in any way affect the sexual life, which can begin after the completion of lousy (postpartum discharge), usually after 2 months. This is a complete restoration of the muscular layer of the uterus. Women, having transferred cesarean section necessarily should be immediately registered with a gynecologist. After all, in this operation, in addition to the abdominal cavity, the uterus dissects. As a result, a scar remains on it, the normal healing of which will be controlled by the doctor.

Recovery after cesarean section, at first, requires a woman considerable effort - you need to handle the seam, aching pains create discomfort, and yet you also need to take care of the baby. The period of recovery after childbirth with caesarean section can be several months, and at this time the woman especially needs the help and support of close people. Psychological comfort will help her to cope well with the postpartum period, and quickly go through the rehabilitation stage.