How are cesareans treated?

Caesarean section is a method of seizure of a child and a postpartum from the uterus through dissection of the anterior wall of the abdomen and the muscle itself. This is a fairly common procedure, which is considered almost the norm.

In what cases do cesarean?

The decision to conduct this type of operation is taken only if there is no other solution to the problems encountered during childbirth. The prerequisites that determine the need for cesarean are:

At what time do cesarean?

The minimum allowable cut-off time is 38 weeks. An earlier period is fraught with unforeseen complications for the baby. To reduce the risk of error in determining the timing of pregnancy , the preferred date is the 39th or 40th week.

Do they do it at will?

There is the right to choose the date of the planned operation, but only if the pregnancy is satisfactory. If a woman, for her personal reasons, wants to do cesarean, then she needs to write an application to the name of the head of the women's consultation or arrange with her obstetrician-gynecologist.

How are cesareans doing now?

Many are interested in the preparation for surgery, whether the enema is made before caesarean and how everything will actually happen. On the appointed day, you must give up food and drink a minimum amount of liquid. You must shave your pubic hair, put a catheter and cleanse the enema. Cesarean section is done under anesthesia, general or local spectrum of action. The latter is used at will and gives the opportunity to "participate" in childbirth. How much time do cesarean - the most popular question among moms and their relatives. The process of seizure of the child occurs already at the 5th minute after dissection and is stretched for a maximum of 7 minutes. Cesarean itself lasts 20-40 minutes. Naturally, the process of how the caesarean section is done is also of interest. During the operation the surgeon cuts the abdominal cavity, uterus and fetal bladder. Pulls the child and the latter. All cuts, in a certain order, are sewn with special bobbin threads. A sterile dressing and a cold warmer are applied to increase the intensity of uterine contractions.

Is it painful to do cesarean?

The operation itself is completely painless for the mother, who is under the influence of anesthesia. But the period of "departure" from the anesthetic drug is marked by severe pain, which can be overcome by antibiotics, analgesics and other medications of a wide spectrum of action.

What are the injections after cesarean?

After surgery, a woman is prescribed injections of a drug that promotes contractile activity of the uterus, which must expel blood clots and lochia. Also it is necessary to prune anaesthetising medicines and medicines setting up housing and communal services.

How do you do a second cesarean?

It differs from the first by the location of the incision, which will be either classical or lower transverse, or located in the vertical lower part of the uterus.

How many times can I do cesarean?

After a primary operation of this type, there is a possibility of independent re-delivery. After two or three caesarean women are recommended to do sterilization in order to avoid unforeseen serious complications.

Where do cesarean section?

The decision on the location of the operation and the specialist performing it is taken by the mother herself, based on her preferences and beliefs. Any maternity hospital is fully prepared for planned as well as emergency cesarean.