Pilates at home

Pilates is a system of exercises developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Pilates. Shortly after the appearance, the direction became popular among actors, dancers and athletes who wish to recover from injuries.

At home

Since in Pilates great importance is given to proper breathing and slow, technical performance of exercises, it is still necessary to begin to engage with the instructor. But having mastered the basics, you can safely go to Pilates training at home.

While practicing pilates at home, you train the so-called body skeleton - deep muscles, to which it is very difficult to reach, using the lion's share of fitness areas. Pilates, first of all, will correct your posture, as, training, you remove the load from the spine, because the nearby muscles of the back are strengthened.

By the way you are at home doing Pilates, you need to be very responsible, because these are not simple twists for the press or push-ups, which can be done purely methodically. There are several key points that are very important for beginners to engage in Pilates at home. Obligatory to mastering:


We will perform a short complex of exercises for practicing pilates at home.

  1. We lay down on the back, feet parallel to the width of the pelvis, hands along the body. Bracing our hands on the floor, tearing the pelvis and back from the floor, the body is formed into a straight, elongated line. Slowly, the vertebra behind the vertebrae we return back to the floor. The abdomen is straining, we press it to the spine.
  2. PI is the same. We lift the leg, bent at the knee and draw it to the chest. Midway stop the leg, return to the PI, meanwhile, the second leg is already rising. We do climbs on exhale, alternating legs. Our task is to keep the waist fully pressed to the floor and a strained press . In the lowered position, the foot touches the floor with a toe.
  3. We lay down on the stomach, stretch our legs, we put our arms bent near the face, palms to the bottom. In the IE, take a breath, and on exhalation tear off the head and chest from the floor. We fix the situation and return to the IP.
  4. We relax the lower back in the position of the child. We sit on the heel on the heels, the body is tilted to the knees, hands are stretched forward, we look down.
  5. IP - stand on all fours, palms are located strictly under the shoulders, knees - under the hips, that is, at a right angle. We nurse the abdominal muscles, the waist does not bend. On exhalation we raise and stretch the right arm and the left leg. We fix the situation, we return to the FE. We raise the right leg and the left arm. We change our legs and arms, slowly raise them and slowly lower our limbs to maximize muscle tension.
  6. We relax the lower back in the position of the child.