After a weekend in Paris, Kristen Stewart and her lover fly to America

25-year-old Kristen Stewart, the star of the Twilight saga, visited Paris one week ago. Some time after her arrival, it became clear that the actress had come to visit her friend. She turned out to be an extraordinary 30-year-old singer of French origin Soko.

Time flies very fast

Based on photographs taken in France, Kristen and her lover did not miss each other. Day after day, they appeared on the street, wandered through the ancient streets of Paris and, sometimes, hugged. Judging by the fact that they were constantly harassed by the paparazzi, the actress and singer stopped hiding their relationship. However, such an influx of passions, as it was 7 days ago, was not noticed behind them. The only thing that betrayed lovers, it's their desire to keep all the time hands.

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It's time to fly to America

The fact that Kristen Stewart lives in Los Angeles, is known to many, but that with it fly Soko, no one a week ago, and could not guess. However, the fact remains, and the lovers were seen at the airport in Paris. Judging by the expression on their faces, they were concerned about something. This was especially evident in the behavior of the American actress. Kristen was very nervous, constantly fingering her hair. Soko was more restrained in her emotions, although the red circles under her eyes betrayed the sobbed mood of the singer. What follows such an uneasy step Kristen Stewart is difficult to say now. Perhaps very soon, the girls will officially declare themselves a couple.