Endometriosis of the ovaries

Diseases of the pelvic organs have many complications, and therefore require prompt treatment. One of the pathologies, which in particular affects the reproductive function of a woman, is endometriosis of the ovaries.

About the disease

Endometriosis is the proliferation of the inner mucous layer of the uterus beyond the body. One of the places of development of the disease are the ovaries. Most often, tissue, which in its structure is similar to the endometrium, getting into the ovary, promotes the appearance of endometriotic cysts.

In endometriosis, the ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with altered blood. Such formations lead to depletion of ovarian function, which almost completely eliminates the onset of pregnancy. In other words, endometriosis of the ovaries and pregnancy, as a rule, are incompatible concepts.

Symptoms of endometriosis of the ovaries

In some cases, in particular at an early stage, the disease is asymptomatic. It is the absence of symptoms of ovarian endometriosis that complicates timely diagnostics, and, accordingly, treatment of the disease.

Note: the signs of developing ovarian pathology can be similar to the symptoms of other diseases. In addition, the manifestation of endometriosis of the left ovary (or right) depends on the degree of development of the disease.

It is possible to single out the main symptoms that allow one to suspect the development of endometriosis:

Methods of treatment

How to treat endometriosis of the ovary, should determine the attending physician. The cause of the development of pathology, as a rule, is a hormonal imbalance, so choose a method of treatment, as well as choose the medications you need, accurately knowing the level of hormones.

Hormonal therapy is one of the effective ways to treat endometriosis of the right (left) ovary. There is an opinion that hormonal preparations have many contraindications and complications, so today homeopathic remedies based on phytohormones are increasingly being used.

For the treatment of endometriosis of the uterus and ovaries, laparoscopy is also used - a procedure that allows careful removal of endometriotic cysts and foci of the disease. Such surgical treatment, unlike conservative long-term therapy with hormones, leaves more chances for the preservation of the reproductive function of the ovaries.

Treatment of endometriosis of ovaries folk remedies

Our grandmothers widely used recipes of traditional medicine in the fight against diseases of the genitals. So, for example, with endometriosis decoction from flowers of a gueldera is effective enough. For cooking 1 tablespoon is needed. flowers of viburnum, which is filled with 250 ml of water. The broth is kept on the fire for 10 minutes, then it settles, is filtered and is taken 3 times a day for 3 tablespoons.

Also, St. John's wort is used, the broth from which is prepared according to the method described above. Take tincture from St. John's wort is necessary for 50-60 ml 3 times a day. Positive feedback received and tincture of the root of barberry. Method of application: infuse 2 tablespoons of the root of barberry in half a liter of water, drink in equal portions during the day.

The medicinal properties are possessed by the grass of the hog queen, the broth from which is also prepared according to the method described above. Then it is insisted for 3 hours and 1 tablespoon is taken. 3 times a day.

Experts do not recommend fighting the disease on their own. If you trust folk medicine and decided to try some recipe, it is better to consult a doctor beforehand.