How to cook a borsch refueling for the winter?

When there is a jar of bourbon refills in the blanks, it's a pleasure to cook this first dish. It is enough only to boil potatoes in broth and add the necessary amount of billet. Recipes of borsch refueling for the winter in the banks are waiting for you below.

Borschovaya dressing for the winter with beans



Pre-pour the beans with water to make it swell. The next day the beans are washed, filled with fresh water and cooked until soft. Now we make tomato: we wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces and blend them with a blender. Pour the mass into a saucepan and let it boil. We add there grated carrots and beets, after 30 minutes we put boiled beans, salt, sugar and stir thoroughly. We boil another 10 minutes, pour in vegetable oil, vinegar. Remove the pan from the fire for about 5 minutes and pour the refills in the jars. Immediately, they are sealed, turned upside down and after cooling down we put it away for storage. Borshchu refueling for winter without pepper to store better in the cold.

How to cook a borsch refueling for winter without vinegar?



Tomatoes are peeled, crushed to mash. Put the mashed potatoes in a large saucepan, sugar, salt and let it boil. Foam, which is formed, remove and boil for 20 minutes. Using a large grater, grind the carrots, add to the tomato and cook for another minute. 3. Cut the peeled bell peppers with semirings, shred the onions and send vegetables to the tomato. Beet grind on a large grater and stew in oil. Cook for about 5 minutes, and then shift into a pan with tomatoes. We pour in the vegetable oil, which is left, and we prepare for about 15 minutes. We spread the dressing over clean steamed jars and immediately roll it up. We turn them upside down and after cooling we remove the borsch refueling without vinegar for storage for the winter.

Borsch seasoning without cabbage for the winter



Beetroot and carrots are cleaned, and then grind on a grater. We shred a little onions and peppers. We blanch the tomatoes, peel them from the peel and grind them to mashed potatoes. In the beet, pour sugar and put on a small fire. When the beet leaves the juice, the fire is reduced and stewed, stirring for about 20 minutes. In vegetable oil, let the onions be weed until soft. Add the Bulgarian pepper, carrots, mix and cook for about 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, black ground pepper, bring to a boil and cook for about 7 minutes. Add all the vegetables to the saucepan, add the vinegar, mix well and boil for 2 minutes. We spread the dressing in jars and cork.

Delicious borsch refueling for the winter



Vegetables are good and cleanse me. Beetroot, pepper and carrot shredded straws, cabbage cut into the usual way. Tomatoes are doused with boiling water, cut into cubes. In the same way we do with the onion. Onions with tomatoes are dipped in oil for about 10 minutes. And when the vegetables let out the juice, take the pan, place all the ingredients there, cook for about half an hour, and at the end we put the shredded greens at will and spices. We spread the dressing over the sterilized jars and immediately roll them. All successful workpieces!