Lightly salted cucumbers in cold brine

There are a lot of recipes for pickling cucumbers, but they are all alike and differ only in the composition of herbs and spices. Usually pickling cucumbers for the winter is done in two ways: cold brine and hot, we'll stop on the first option.

Lightly salted cucumbers in cold brine - a recipe for winter


For one 3-liter jar:

Brine for 1 liter of water:


Cucumbers wash, cut off the tails, dip the vegetables in very cold water. Leave them for a few hours, so they will become juicy and crunchy.

In clean and processed with boiling water jars put washed greens, cloves of garlic and rootlet or a leaf of horseradish. Then fill the jar with cucumbers.

Now proceed to the brine. Add sugar and salt in water, stir well and fill the filled jars, close with a cap nylon.

Such a blank does not need to be turned over and wrapped. Immediately send the banks to the basement or to a suitable cool place. You can also store this stock at room temperature, you can try them in a week.

Crispy light-salted cucumbers in cold brine


For 1.5 kg of cucumbers:


First, prepare the cans properly, thoroughly rinsed them with water and with soda, sterilize over the steam. At the bottom of the bank spread half of the prepared and washed leaves (horseradish, currant, oak and cherry). Lay cucumbers, Cover with remaining leaves and add peeled garlic teeth.

In this recipe, as you can see, there is little garlic, since a large amount of it will make cucumbers soft, without crunching and the necessary elasticity. Now tamp the remaining cucumbers in the jar to the top.

Proceed to the brine. Preheat 750 ml of water and toss salt, when it has dissolved, add the remaining water and fill this cucumber with this brine.

It is desirable to close this blank with a cap cap. Put it in boiling water, there it will swell. Cover the jar with a soft lid, it firmly preserves your workpiece.

In a month, cucumbers can be served to the table.

How to salt cucumbers with cold brine - the fastest way



Put a cucumber in a clean jar, alternating with all the leaves, spices, garlic. In a glass of water, dissolve the salt, pour into a jar and fill with clean water almost to the top. Leave to roam for 4 days and then move to the basement.